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  1. L

    50c insertion fee day on eBay motors tomorrow

    Expect a lot of goodies tomorrow on eBay... It may not be the best time to sell.
  2. JoeUSA

    41mm FLatside Keihin on E-bay

    Here is the url, he has been running it on a 2003 650 Berg http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 86922&rd=1 Joe
  3. ossaman

    Big Gun Exhaust on EBAY

    Here is the link: New improved shortened eBay link Mike
  4. Taffy

    direct link to ebay europe

    eBay UK link this is the link you should keep for checking out what we have for sale in europe. my german is iffy but ok enough for reading (with finger following each word....) so i'll try to help anyone if they care to PM me. i've already bid on something for fryguy but i won't say...
  5. T

    Don't forget to look at the classifieds & eBay for Husab

    Don't forget to look at the classifieds for Husaberg bikes and stuff! Also I have a 400cc Husaberg 2002 Cutaway demonstration engine on eBay for sale. New handy shorter eBay link!
  6. 4

    funny on ebay

    this is the work of rosco's (one of our newest members) work mates ebay link :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. T

    Cleaning out garage - check Ebay

    I am cleaning out a few things: 2 Husaberg motorcycles http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... AMESE%3AIT http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... AMESE%3AIT 2 Husaberg 470cc engines http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... AMESE%3AIT...

    Ebay Auction

    Please visit my Ebay Husaberg auction. (Thunder_Clap) http://search.ebay.com/Husaberg_W0QQcatrefZC5QQfromZR7QQnojsprZyQQpfidZ0QQsacategoryZQ2d1QQsocolumnlayoutZ3QQsofocusZbsQQsorecordsperpageZ50QQsosortorderZ2QQsosortpropertyZ2 Misc. OEM and Performance engine parts. Thank you in advance...
  9. N

    Multitude of parts on ebay right now!

    Due the recent posts about parts, I thought I would post what is on ebay at the moment. Jay http://motors.search.ebay.com/husaberg_eBay-Motors_W0QQcountZ21QQfromZR7QQfromZR9QQsacategoryZ6000QQsamotorscategorymapZ6000QQsosortorderZ2QQsosortpropertyZ3QQstatusZMetaEndSortQQstypeZ1
  10. B

    keihin fcr 40mm caburetor on ebay

    hi:there is a keihin fcr 40mm carb on ebay item #2485519313 if anybody is interested.
  11. Frosty

    My old bike on ebay

    Just stumbled across my old bike, looking good still, apart from the white bits though!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 49100&rd=1
  12. E

    berg in bits on ebay

    dunno if any of you have seen this. but it looks cheap to me. eBay link
  13. E

    Cheeky Seller on eBay

    Only recently found this site but I thought I'd point out this advert from eBay. Someone's trying to sell what you very kindly posted on this forum - i.e all the manuals downloads!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... gory=34240 Anyway, great site - maybe I'll join in more when I...