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  1. bigbob

    Cool acessory parts available from Husaberg

    I have been looking thru the acessorie catalog on the Husaberg site. Very impressed - bar risers, tall seats, skid plates, remote hot start all this important first needed stuff to modify your bike right from the factory. Husaberg is on the cutting edge with rider support I never own a...

    Cool idea from OZ...

    Saw this in some magazine, and thought I would share the link. An interesting sort of hybrid between a mountain bike and an off road motorcycle. I'd love to take one out someday :o
  3. Taffy

    a cool little item to fit on your bike! ... 83227&rd=1 have a look at this neat little plastic box for all your overflows! regards Taffy
  4. Taffy

    best protection versus air flow to cool?

    just wondering what the best protection is across that radiator? not worried about the beauty of it-just protection and letting air get through! was told years ago that the exit was as important as the entry and that the entry should be smaller not larger than the CSA of the rad. :shock...

    Cool Pic from 1998

    I asked Dave Hoenig ( ) to locate some Husaberg pictures taken in Daytona 1998. One of which being the following: ... 0082&page= Sincerely, Dale

    Cool Site ... /twin.html
  7. N

    Cool review of a 96 FE 400

    Most of you may have seen these already but thought I would put the links up for anybody that hasn't seen these reviews. Pretty favorable reviews even though they are from 1996 or so. The first one is where they first got the bike and the second is where they had sent the bike back and then...