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  1. 5

    Check my ride video

    Boys, I F*****G love my's, corners, brutal grunt, get outta my way or die speed... Made this video on the youtube busting a day with mates...hope you like it, can't get enough, It's Bergalicious...bitchin sounds so turn it up...
  2. A

    How to check play in crank?

    Have just finished reading a heap of posts I found using the search function, but they only made me more confused. :) Recently purchased an '04 built, '05 model FE450E. After a bit of reading here it seems there is a slight chance that the crank bearings let go. The bike has just done 40...
  3. J

    valve check how often!

    my 09 fe 450 has about 32 hours and has been awesome but when should i have the valve clearances checked? ive changed the oil at least 6 times and ran her in for 12 hours
  4. H

    Service Check

    Ive got a 2005 FS650E I bought used off an non husaberg dealer. How do I find if it has had its services or updates? says it needs a delivery number how do I get this? Ive got the VIN
  5. O

    Check your fuel lines !

    Ok just a quick note for people after an 'experience' i had today .... (my apologies if its been brought up before, ive not searched it ...) After re-fitting my carb this morning i went for a ride to make sure everything was sweet before 'summer' starts. Rode to petrol station round corner...
  6. P

    Check timing

    I am a new-be so here goes guys. I put a 2001 600cc motor in my 1993 FE 350 bike. the guy that sold me the motor put my 350 flywheel and ing on the 600 motor. My question is what is the proper timing spec for this combination. on the old 350 motor it say rotate the stater all the way to the...
  7. P

    check ktm dealer

    Dont know if this has come up before if you are buying parts for newer burgs ring ktm first to check the part number as usually the part in question is a ktm part and at half the price of the same berg part dont know why pays to shop around
  8. B

    98 fc 501 reed valves check

    This caught me by suprise REEDVALVES in a 4 stroke! How do you inspect them?While on husaberg .com I found that part.Been riding kx 500 c1 since'88.Can inspection be done by removing the two screws holding it in? Whats to look for? My owners manual does't say.Has this been in the forum? I used...
  9. F

    Check out my sad skills about 2 or 3 years ago I had about 5 attempts to get up that hill heheheh :) I think I have improved alot since then....but we will see what future videos show :)
  10. E

    check my valve clearance impossible?

    I did a try to check and set my valve clearance today, but I just can't get my 0,1mm feeler (dont know the exact name for it) in properly? I did not yet remove my radiator but i think that is neccesary to get my feeler in under my rocker arm? Or is there a simple trick for setting the...
  11. F

    Check this footage out......

    make sure you have the sound cranked up load before you watch. It will add to the effect. And another one if you are interested in the the top 20 bikes in Finkes Prologue
  12. Barry

    Check Valved Brake Bleeders

    Howdy gang, long time no type. Have any of you tried the check valved bleeders on your bikes? I've bought a couple sets of these brake bleeders for my trucks. They are great, and work exactly as advertised. So I'm planning on getting some for my bikes. Check them out at
  13. D

    Price Check on Aisle 2 Pistons

    I was wondering what I should be paying for a #2 piston and ring kit for an 02 Berg 650? Local dealer was quoting me $365....seems high, but I have nothing to compare this to. How bout others.....input please. Darrin
  14. S

    What to check next? (electric start problem)with pics

    Well i have just done the valve clearances and jumped leaded the battery onto my cars battery for a bit more ummfff! but still no start! sounds like the starter is not turning over fast enough? What do i check next? Would it be the auto decomp?
  15. S

    easy starting fs 650c, do i need to check the valves

    I have an fs 650 c 2005 and it has been starting easy, kick starting because the battery was bad, replaced it with another defective one. Anyway, do i need to check the valves if it continues to start easy even if I have30+ hours. thanks, edwin
  16. H

    Electrical Start - One Essential Thing To Check

    History: I bought a 2001 FE400E from new and about 1 year into owning it I had all sorts of problems with the e-start not working. I did all the normal things listed on the forum - valve clearances, improved grounding of the battery etc. So, I updated the battery to a Yuasa YTZ-7S (more CCM's)...
  17. Lplates

    videos CHECK THIS OUT ... 1022990450 OUCH! HOWS MY BIKE
  18. schwim

    Check your submission in the Giveaway

    Hey there guys, I need everyone who entered into the giveaway to check and make sure that your name is there, and if you donated, that you have a "(2)" beside your name. During the month, we had a few server outages which caused problems with the mail, and we had a few people donate...
  19. Lplates

    check this out /bit of kick back

    dont know how to do links so if u carnt see pics let me now hope u like it - ps its not me 8O
  20. L

    Check the supermoto article at Wikipedia

    Read the excellent Supermoto article at and check the photo :P