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  1. S

    70 deg cases and 570 cy

    Looking for a set of 70 deg engine cases. And a 570 Cy that can be replated.
  2. S

    For Sale 70 deg engine cases

    Looking for a set
  3. T

    Want To Buy Broken 570 cases :( looking for new

    So the 570 cases went bust and Im looking for new cases or possibly complete motor from 570, 450 or 390 (same bottom end), any ideas welcome!
  4. N

    For Sale 09-11 FE Stator and Clutch Cases

    I had purchased these as backups but ended up making covers for my existing cases so no longer have use for them. The paint is worn but no deep gouges. $75 shipped for both if within the US.If you are international I would need to charge actual shipping. If my pricing is at all out of line...
  5. tourist

    570 crank in 550 cases?

    Heya, I often find myself idly speculating whether a 570 crank (and rod and piston) could be made to fit 550 cases somehow. Probably not! But what are your thoughts on the matter? The 570 stroke is 2mm longer. I should look up rod and piston height too. How much height can you add to...
  6. Goose916

    For Sale NOS 650 cases on ebay - Good price

    Not mine, but new old stock cases $199 "buy it now" price on ebay. If you're in the market for one, thats a good deal i think. Husaberg FE FC 650 Engine Cases New Unused | eBay
  7. madmenno

    For Sale engine cases 650 SEM

    I have two engine cases for early 650 SEM ignition model One empty and One with shifter parts and oil pump I cant post pics here , so send me a email for pics [email protected]
  8. hacker33

    Engine cases bore diameter

    I have problem. Today I measured the diameter of hole in engine. This in which sits the liner. Just as making measurements of the cylinder or liner. I found that the hole is not perfectly a round. It's little oval. Diameter at the point where cases are connect is about 0,2-0,3mm smaller than on...
  9. K

    Engine cases 01-02

    Are engine cases size specific or are the bottom cases the same for all engines 470-650. I know they are stamped with their size but I'm wondering if 470 / 501/550 cases could be used on a 650 or vice versa.. Thanks in advance. K
  10. Goose916

    Have to split the cases, how far should I go?

    Yes, I likely already know the answer to this. However, this forum is filled with folks much more knowledgeable than I and I am soliciting your input. The condensed version: Water pump seal issue led to discovery of grooved balancer shaft. I have a spare balancer shaft and bearing, but I...
  11. H

    2005 fe450 cases on ebay

    I came across these on ebay. Did'nt know if anybody is looking for a spare set of cases for a 2005 fe450. ... 9b&vxp=mtr
  12. J

    FX450, splitting the cases, which side case to pull?

    Swapping my FX box for FE gears 1 and 2, parts on the way. Wondering which side case to pull off? From the "cutaway photo", it appears I should pull off the right side, is that correct?
  13. JBSracing

    JBS Racing Husaberg Engine Cases

    Please follow this link for details - ... s_2010.pdf
  14. J

    Engine cases

    Hello. I have a chance to by a pair of new enginecases to an -01 or newer bike. But how do i see to what engine (450, 550, 650) the cases are for? Regards Jampe
  15. B

    Engine cases

    'Won' these on ebay at the bargain price of 75 euros, shipping included. But offcourse the excitement quickly wore off after discovering that the right hand case had been welded at the swing arm hole. Good news is I only need the left hand case, so my question, can i use my Right hand side...
  16. Taffy

    815 cases?

    lads i am desperate for a set of 2004 and onward 650 cases/engine and i saw these tonight: ... 240%3A1318 i reckon they are from the 550? what you all reckon? regards Taffy
  17. Taffy

    slight change in cases

    having recently had cause to be offered a 2002 left and a 2003 right case i was unable to fit the clutch gear on whatsoever. careful measuring shows up that the crank's boreline was moved forwards around .004" (0.1mm) from '02 to the '03 model. several people have said that the gears...
  18. D

    Help with splitting tight centre cases.

    I have just come to seperating the centre cases on my 02 - 03 FE400E and am finding them very tight. I still have the flywheel in place as I am waiting on a puller but thought I would remove the righ case from the left so I can find where the metal is coming from. I have checked and double...
  19. R

    Need to Split the Cases- BUGGER!

    I'm investigating the source of the oil smoke that my bike was putting out. I was hoping that it woud be something simple like the valve stem seals or the piston rings. Looks like I'm going to have to replace the big and little end bearings too, as they've both got quite a bit of play. Gotta...
  20. Taffy

    a set of 501/550 cases?

    well i expected to find a set by now but i haven't! just thinking aloud! regards Taffy