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  1. C

    prices in canada?

    Any info on pricing for 07? In Canada or US?
  2. K

    Cycle Canada tests an 06 FE450e

    Test is available for downloading here.
  3. G

    FS650 Test from Canada

    The new Husaberg Dealer in Victoria supplied a bike for a test. Test Here
  4. R

    need a berg dealer in Ont canada

    HI need help to find new berg dealer ,my old dealer will not be selling husaberg as of, jan 05 . I need a new fix for parts , dealer list would be great. thanks
  5. F

    Husaberg distribution in Canada

    Does anyone know a "confirmed" answer on Husaberg distribution in Canada? KTM bought them but doesn't seem to be doing anything with it. I've yet to see a real Husaberg dealer in Ontario. A little voice is saying "should have bought a Yamaha". Noooooo! Fitz
  6. F

    Anybody in Ontario, Canada

    Am I the only hoser on this site eh? If anyone knows of a good place near Toronto, Ontario, Canada to get Husabergs fixed (or a good parts source), please let me know. I just bought this bike (98 FC501) and found out no shop knows anything about it - anywhere! Fitz :evil: