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  1. T


    hey all, its bee a while since ive been on here, but my 1996 501 is still in the garage, torn apart, and not running. No spark.. I have checked out the stator and its good. all my connections and ground are good. I'm thinking its the CDI box that may be defected.. so i was wondering If it was...
  2. T

    Lots of oil in air box?

    In the great Aussie tradition of disposing of a worn out rear tyre. Whilst mid burnt out a large amount of smoke came from the exhaust, After inspection the compression seems OK. but there is a heap of oil in the frame / air box. How is it so? should I be really concerned?
  3. D

    a must have for tool box

    I have been using this constantly for two years & I wanted to tell you guys how nice it is . As an aircraft mechanic I use apex bits & 1/4 drive stuff. This is fine tooth and reversible . Simply nothing out threr like it . Belive they come from home depot for like 15 bucks .
  4. T

    Elephant in a phone box

    Good joke to trip people up. Q: How do you get an elephant into a phone box? A: You take the 'c' of cat and the 'f' out of way! I'll post answer if no-one gets it. Sure you will though.
  5. 1

    Seat/Air box mod???

    Hello, Im new to the forum. Seems to be alot of Husaberg info round these parts :D I have an 04 FSE 650 and have just fitted full Ti akro system, Was interested to find any other members who have cut a hole in there seat above air filter as to let more air through?? any one have any pics...
  6. E

    oil in the air filter box

    I fall down last saturday with my FE650 while hillclimibing, some oil went into the airbox and than was almost impossible to start the engine. Q1: What if I make a hole in the bottom of the air box and cover it with some filter element so that it works as drainage? Q2: Is there any ohter...
  7. 4

    oil in air box when riding hard

    Hey guys Went for a decent ride this weekend and struck a wee problem. Every time i started to give it the berries for more then a minute or so my bike started to miss and blow smoke and when i stopped there was oil dripping from my side air filter. It was also starting to get a bit cranky...
  8. madero

    CDI Box difference??

    Hello all, Is there a difference between the cdi box between 2004 and 2005 or later. Is it possible to have a different powerline,or are they all the same. Madero
  9. M

    Gear box problem

    Last time I took a ride the 2nd gear doesn’t hold its position. If I go from 1st to the 2nd the bike goes to neutral when unloaded. If I go from the 3rd to the 2nd there is no problem. I got the impression that the lever doesn’t push the 2nd gear in position or the force...
  10. scoot

    Attn Battery Box

    Hi reading a few posts requesting a battery box that sits under the seat. My 470 has had this done, thus meaning a much bigger battery can be used. Look in my gallery for a pic of bike and box. I'll post up another few pics of just the box with diamentions so everyone can, if wanting one can...
  11. T

    Air Box - Carby Boot 03 501

    I have always noticed a bit of water collecting in the bottom of the carb intake boot after washing. Even after a ride I can see the residue of dirty water that has left a few streaks inside the carb boot. I have found that the water gets in at the top of the rubber along the flat side of...
  12. A

    black box recall

    I just got a new cdi black box in the mail from husaberg for my 2004 FS650E super motard. The note asked me to plug it in to my bike and send the old one back in the post pack provided. when I rang my local dealer they had no idea why they are replacing them. My feeling is it has a new mapping...