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  1. F

    Auto decomp tip reprofiling

    Hi everyone. There is a little wear on my auto decomp tip. I doubt putting a small weld and reprofiling a suitable way to remedy a worn auto decomp tip since welding may ruin toughness of steel. then would it not be more vulnerable to wear? It make sense for a temporal cure. Any comment from...
  2. O

    Suttos Demo Day Ride report 09 Berg and Rekluse auto clutch.

    Sutto Demo Day went well. Here's the link to the ride report. Some may have to get over any pumpkin allergies, or just read the bits on the Berg.
  3. N

    Help with auto decomp spring please

    I'm all set to install the camshaft and timing chain, but I'm concerned about the decomp weight. While viewing the sprocket end of the camshaft, cam lobes at 7 and 11 o'clock so that the weight is rotating upward against gravity, the action is nice. It feels just right. Turn the camshaft...
  4. Taffy

    auto decomp weight

    can we clarify this? i believe that the '000' came with a bobweight to suit this cam or was it a new weight that should be fitted to all bikes if possible? in which year did this happen? change in material finish? regards Taffy
  5. M

    New style Auto Decompression Lever

    Hello - I recently purchased the newer style auto decompression lever ('04 and later) for my '02 FE400. In comparision to the older style that I am replacing, it is about 2.5mm shorter in shaft length - so it doesn't fit as deep into the pocket in the cam lobe as the original. Has anyone else...
  6. H

    Auto Clutch

    Revloc, Rekluse, EFM? Auto clutch riders, what is your opinion/experiance. I ride/race a FE550E 07 and am considering an auto clutch.
  7. B

    FE 501e auto decomp ??

    I have a 9th month 1998 FE 501e That I think has been converted to a auto decomp system. I removed the rocker cover to repair an oil leak and noticed the manual decomp arm and cable missing and the hole plugged in the rocker cover. On further investigation I noticed that the cam shaft sprocket...
  8. L

    Auto decomp spring

    Was this thing changed between 2001 and now? The new auto decomp device does not have the groove to keep the spring in place. It used to have two, now one. Does the spring need to be changed too? Not that I cannot fix it with the Dremel, mind you. Hah there is always something (It's ok...
  9. J

    Rekluse auto clutch.

    I just installed a Rekluse auto clutch on my 02 fe501 today. While I had the clutch cover off I was able to look and the condition of the cam chain,etc. I had read in the doc about needing to replace the aluminum chain with a steel one but it looked as new. I was wondering if I should worry...
  10. L

    Auto decomp device upgrade: howto

    I have the latest auto decomp device ready to replace the old one. How does one remove and reinstall the ball bearing that's in the way? There does not seem to be any bolt inside to hold it to the camshaft assembly, and besides force, I don't see how one can remove it. Any experienced...
  11. tuts

    Auto Decomp Blob

    hi all, since i am broke i will try to weld a blob on my auto decomp on my 02 650e. does anyone have a pic, or dimension of what the actual height is supposed to be? thanks tuts
  12. G

    auto decomp starting issues

    Gday all after reading the post on decompression timing I checked mine and it opened at approx 85 btdc and closed at 25 btdc lift 0.25mm 10 thou the kick start is like kicking a brick wall 25btdc is a bit early to close? would e start but it tore the teeth of the gear that runs off the...
  13. Taffy

    auto decomp - fill me in?

    under red alert in the doc i've tried to explain the facts as i know them after 2-hours of checking today. in none of my parts books ('01, '02, '03, '04, '06) does it mention a new style decomp lobe, or does it mention a better spring. i've no idea if the decomp was all 're-timed'...
  14. S

    Auto decompression lever

    I finally got around to doing the clean up on my bike after the Phx ride two weeks ago and this is what I found. I did the kick start shaft replacement last september and ever since have had an unusual amount of leakage from the rear end portion of my transmission cover. After talking with...
  15. sueyoulater

    Auto Clutch Problem

    :cry: I tried to get my local mechanic to put a Rekluse auto clutch in my '03 FE400e. I find out that my late '03 has an '02 clutch and an '04 basket and the Rekluse clutch WILL NOT WORK with my bike according to the Rekluse Factory people. Apparently the shaft for this clutch has a "spline'...
  16. L

    02' 501 bike with 03' 650 auto decomp; question

    Hi comrades, I recently had some upgrades performed on my low hour/mileage 2002 fe501e including the addition of a double bearing counterbalancer, steel timing sprocket and new cam chain, 03' rockerarms and rollers, cam bearings, YTZ7s battery, new Denso Iridium plug and yes, an 03' 650 auto...
  17. H

    Auto decompression shaft 05 vs 04

    is there any difference? I can´t find the spareparts manual from the 05, no download at available.... I would buy one for my 2001er as a answer to the problem of the hard e-starting ...
  18. Ady

    Blob weld on the auto decomp

    Hi Guy's Still looking for advice on welding a blob on the auto decomp, to regain exhaust valve lift. Could anyone that has done it let me know. I have questions that need answering ... :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: Regards Ady
  19. Ady

    Auto decomp - slack fit !!

    G-day I've just removed my rocker cover for the first time (didn't I do well !! :wink: ) and noticed the auto decomp appears to be a very slack fit. I'm doing this to resolve poor starting off the button (as in earlier posts). There is wear on the leading edge but a lot of movement, the whole...
  20. U

    Broken Auto Decomp Bob Weight on Camshaft

    Please has anyone got any info. I have a 2003 FE650E and the bikes electric starting had progressively become worse until it would only kick. After fitting a new high crank battery etc i decided to inspect the auto decomp device. It looked worn so i decided to change it. After changing it...