Victory at last!!! It started!!!!
This afternoon I pulled the clutch and valve cover to check if the cam was timed correctly, everything was as you guys said it should be, but when I reassembled the valve cover I noticed that when I put the cover on there was a 0,5mm gap on the right hand side of the engine!!! I've put in KTM 450 valve springs and the are straigth not conical shaped like the standard Husey ones. And apparantly both right hand side valves hit the valve cover. I didn't notice this when I first assembled it and I must've opened the valves when tightening the bolts on the valve cover!
After a little dremel action the cover fit like a charm
Put the block back together, kicked it like 30 times and suddenly thump thump thump, music to my ears!!!
Only let it run for a couple of seconds otherwise my wife would've killed me for waking up my baby girl!!

But still she runs, at last!
I only let the engine run for a maximum of 10 seconds, blipped the throttle only slightly and the exhaust was already hot, I couldn't hold my hand on it anymore. Is this normal or is this an indication for a bad fuel air mixture or something like that?
Here's some pictures of how the cam timing is, should be ok, all pictures taken with the piston at TDC.