Ride review and comparsion 390 Fe Vs 200 XC-W


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Sep 22, 2009
Vancouver Island, B.C, Canada
Hi all

Here is the ride review of my new 2011 200 xc-w and how it compares to my last bike a 2010 390 fe Husaberg.

Terrain Details

The area I ride in is wet west coast single track.
There are lots of rocks and roots.
The trails are super tight and technical.
We also have lots of steep, loose climbs with root faces and boulders.
For those that have not seen my videos of my are you can see them here. http://vimeo.com/user2967588/videos

Rider Stats

6ft - 210lbs - Decent shape.
Senior expert class racer.
43 years old.

Last few bikes -- 2010 390 FE Berg --2009 KTM 250 XC -- 2006 200 XC

I am giving you this information as I believe it is key to how you interpret the review. I believe KTM makes all these different bikes so that we the buying public can buy exactly the bike that fits both our terrain and skill level.

Suspension & Chassis Feel

The open cartridge fork on the the new ktm product is perfect for areas like mine. The speed is always relatively slow and the open cartridge fork soaks up the rocks and roots far better then the XC product front fork.

Chassis Feel

The bike fits me like a glove at my size. Easy to move around on, great bars and levers.


Its been a few years since I spent time on a 200 and it is a joy to experience the mountain bike feel again.
This bike feels like it is a 100lbs lighter then the berg in the tight stuff.
It creates what I call TIME & SPACE compared to the bigger bore bikes. Most of your bigger bore bikes required more effort to slow them down on descents and going into corners. The little 200 stops on dime, corrections happen instinctively.
The amount of effort saved compared to the 4 stroke or even the 250 xc is shocking.

Again for my area with its super tight trails there is nothing out there that compares.


The little 200 has a great motor, but coming off the incredible EFI 390 motor it feels out of tune and under powered.
That said the 390 motor is the single best dirt bike motor I have ever rode.
The 200 gets the job done in the power department by having just enough power to get you there. The beauty of the engine is that it never makes you work.


For me, in my area, the 200 is defiantly superior to the 390 FE and the 250 xc . If I lived in a area that had less big hills, more flowing trail, then the edge swings back in favor of the 390.

Hope you all find this helpful.


I'm coming off a 2007 200 XC (still have it) and agree with most of your statements. BUT, for me, the berg handles way better and just feels more planted and is way easier to ride fast vs the little 2 smoker. I love both bikes though and I think I will enjoy riding them both for years to come.
i can agree with most of what Looki is saying as I have a long history with ktm 200's. without a doubt the older 200's are the best tool for the job when the trail is tight/technical. If that is all you ride then the 200 is the best choice.

However, once the trail opens up it starts to loose its advantage.....I don't have enough time on my 390 yet to compare it to the my ktm 400's but so far the FI feels incredibly smooth.

Really not a apples to apples comparison (200 vs. 390) as each has it's strengths and weaknesses. I know for me if I where racing in technical terrain every weekend for sure the 200 (pre 07) would get the nod, however for all around fun and dual sporting, I like the big thumpers. Yes you have to carry the weight, but the torque and fun factor make up for it....again, racing I might have a different opinion.
Boy this review is helpful...I am going to test ride both of these bikes tomarrow at Highland Park Resort in N. GA.

I haven't ridden a 2 stroke since my early RD350 days and I'm talking a ton of years ago. It should be interesting :eek:
I really LOVE the sound and feel of a 4 stroke though and today my 08 FE 450 felt awesome and grunted up the muddy GA hills with power to spare! But at my slower pace I may be better suited for a 2 smoke that's lighter. And after I took a couple of spills up a HUGE HUGE muddy hill I had some trouble moving it over and getting restarted up the hill.

OMG :roll: I sound like...a girl :lol:
Ok so I rode both the KTM 200 xcw and HB FE 390 yesterday what a blast, I felt like a little prima dona saddling up my test bikes :D

The KTM 200 2 smoke is nice, light, yeah a girls bike. :lol: I could definately get more air over jumps and water bars and the was fun. It is fast, nice hit, but it was weird to me. The power wasn't as fun, I had to concentrate too hard. I had trouble restarting it after taking a break and that was annoying. It didn't have any soul...to me.

The HB FE 390 felt like me old best friend the minute I got on it. It didn't seem strange, I loved the clutch and silky brakes very nice feel in the mud of GA. The FI is SWEEEEEEEEEET and has more instant on power than my carb 08 FE450 which made jumps and poping over logs more fun. I took it on some tight trails and it was fine, not too tough, it climbs everything easily right off idle.

I'm in love I'm a 4 stroke Husaberg gal to the end :twisted:

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