project bargain basement.


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well stripped the paint from the front 5 spoke wheel today - nitromores is awesome - then after priming it resprayed it black.

think i best leave the spraying to someone else. its not bad as long as you dont look too close.

for a set of wheels to be used its fine but if someone wanted them just for bling then it would need tidying up a little, though most of the dodgy spots are going to be hidden behind the disc anyway.

luckily the 3 spokers paint work is not too bad, the front doesnt need anything and the rear just a touch up.

to make sure the bearing and brake mounting surfaces where free of paint i carefully smeared on a film of grease. once the paint dried off a little it came straight off the surfaces leaving them spot on. Damn sight easier and quicker than masking tape.

went out this morning and the paint job isn't half as bad as i thought last night. given it a final coat this morning and its looking good.
just need to get the tyres turned so they're rotating in the right direction and wheels balanced which i'll do tomorrow and hopefully first test ride on sunday.


did have a bit of a panic when i fitted up the rear. fitted new pads and they were binding ever so slightly, fitted the enduro rear and it's doing the same so not to worried i'll just take it real easy first time out so the pads wear in.


got a supermoto front fender coming as well.

whilst typing this im watching practice for the isle of man tt 2009, having now driven around the circuit it makes me realise how mad some of these riders must be.


just want to knock up a catch tank and have a supermoto fender coming.

the brake binding i felt was actually a high point on the rear caliper carrier that was rubbing on the disc, caused i think, by a stone getting in there and denting a lip making the high point, 30 seconds with the grinder and all is well.

first 3 mile spin up the road in pouring rain was good.

front braking is now a 1 finger job.

the gearing is 14 / 40 as that's all i got lying around at the moment and the engine felt very relaxed cruising around.

did a practice start and noticed that the acceleration has gone a bit, obvious really considering the gearing.


well the aim was to get 1 set of supermoto wheels and Tyre's on the bike for Ł150. in the end i had 2 sets, 1 with Tyre's for, Ł317.
Had i not bought the 5 spokes to start with,had them machined and spacers made then the cost for just the 3 spokes and Tyre's would have been about Ł200 which is a figure i'm happy with.

things i learnt;

keep things simple IE the front axle i bought the axle and fitting kit oem from ktm dealer for the same price and alot less hassle as making a set up myself

measure, measure then measure again - did that all the time and haven't had any problems.

eBay - don't bid on multiple things - luckily i lost and was able to buy the wheels i wanted.
check the prices for new from a dealer before buying - old 20mm ktm axles are being sold for the same price as a brand new one from a ktm dealer! luckily i checked before bidding. Guess which i went with?

make sure what you think is the problem really is - the rear brake binding i put down to fitting the brand new pads. when i checked again cos i wasn't happy it was the caliper carrier rubbing.

all in all a very easy fit.

Anyone want to buy a set of SM tyres with Bridgestone tyres (4mm tread left) choice of either 5 or 3 spoke?
just remember, when you come to a sudden stop on this one, it'll be more than your wrist. :crossbones: LET'S BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!
i dont intend going too mad on it as i aint got the leathers anymore or crash bobbins fitted, grinding bits of the bike off on the tarmac doesn't appeal to me, but i didnt intend to break my wrist either did I. :D
how far off road can i take bridgestone BT90's ( and i didnt even fall off)


i did take a picture of the track leading up too this point but it was out of focus so not worth putting up, but its about 1/4 mile of 2 track with 5 stream crossing the exits of which were up hill over rock.



the view going home


riding off road was a bit like driving on ice in that you can still accelerate quite well but its the stopping and changing direction that will cause problems.

other than than getting back into leaning with the bike into corners and counter steering took a little while to get used to and i might get myself some leathers :shock: as even with my knee pads etc i just felt a little vulnerable sticking it into corners in my off road gear.
Just wait till you put the knobblies back on, the first few turns it'll feel like your turning a supertanker.......... enjoy.
Onya Cypher, the bike looks good and all the hard work obviously has paid off. May not have come out on budget but what does when "Husaberg" is typed into the search engine.

Have fun & above all else, ride safe my friend.

well i dug out my daryll beattie replica shoei road helmet today and went for a spin up the local dingle ( canyon, ravine).

mmm found myself getting a little bit too fast. :evil:

The road bike helmet just cocoons your head and dampens all the wind noise that you get with the mx helmet, thus you go faster.

didnt find myself getting into any trouble, and my road riding is coming back, but when i got home i thought about the run and how the corner speeds where creeping up and then starting to wonder, as much fun as it is, if i better slow down abit.

oh well i just got to remember that the throttle works both ways.

what added to the fun a little was that i had the exhaust headers off the other day and didn't re silicone them when i replaced them so the bike was popping on deceleration and was echoing off the rock in places. :twisted:

i've also twiddled the suspension a little and jacked up the rear and this has made a world of difference to the handling.

only thing is i got to change it all back every Wednesday night, as its weekly practice at the local MX track.:cry:

:idea: if i can extend the garage and get another bike that looks exactly like mine i could have 1 set up SM and 1 enduro without wifey knowing i got 2 bikes :evil:

or maybe not.
I've seen sets of motard forks on ebay so keep your eye out. After pulling the forks apart on my FS I noticed they really are valved completely differently. Having said that you may be able to reach a compromise if your doing MX as trail riding needs alot softer setup that cant be achieved through adjustments alone.

When I split up with the ex, I had my Motard in the back of the shed and being black, she didn't notice it for over 4 months until one of her kids told her I had it. Too late she cried as the finances had already been done. You can only try to hide another. :wink:
OK – I’m back.. (Taffy – here comes the cavalry)!!

Somewhere between Cy’s moto & giving it to a shop to do, I want to SM my 02 FE501. Just for road legal fun – poss some track & def able to swop back to enduro easily.
I’m able & willing to have a go but I’m no master mechanic so I want to make life as easy as poss but not pay through the nose. I’d appreciate your comments albeit I’m probably going to ask the b**@dy obvious.

1/ Front 17” 120 x 70 yes / no.

2/ Rear 17” 160 x 60 yes / no – some say the 160 is too wide & needs shaving down ?

3/ I believe the FE02 has a 20mm front spindle & 25mm rear ?? so I assume it’s easier or ok for me to shim up to fit a front wheel with a 26mm spindle or is this too complicated a job and should find one with the correct diameter.

4/ I’d guess the hub width must be fairly critical as even with spacers you’d still need the disc to be in the right place whilst maintaining the wheel in a more or less central position – and the rear even more so as the sprocket would need to line up....or not ??

5/ How important is a cush drive.

6/ What’s the ideal sprocket sizes for road use (front & rear).

7/ Do you really need the big front disc.

8/ Are there any “no no’s” like don’t get a wheel off a Honda xyz because it will never fit – or is it easy enough to make any 17” fit.

To summarise in its simplest form;

a/ What is the full technical spec of my ideal wheel set-up given the above.

b/ Cheapest option – any wheels modified to fit – what to avoid if any ??

c/ Mid price option – get an 00 – 02 KTM set-up off e-bay. Any other straight forward swap overs for an 02FE ?

d/ Top price – love to but not going there.

Cheers in advance.
I'll answer what I can from my own experiences.

1/ Front 17” 120 x 70 yes / no.
Yes that size is the norm.

2/ Rear 17” 160 x 60 yes / no – some say the 160 is too wide & needs shaving down ?
If you're putting a 160 on a 5" rim then it will probably rub the chain. I run a 160 on a 4.5" rim and it's fine. Have also run a 150 which is good but the 160 seems to just fall into the bends which I like but some may not.

4/ I’d guess the hub width must be fairly critical as even with spacers you’d still need the disc to be in the right place whilst maintaining the wheel in a more or less central position – and the rear even more so as the sprocket would need to line up....or not ??
My wheels are standard hubs laced to KTM rims so the sprocket and discs are always going to be in the right place, price up some rims and spokes for your standard hubs before going to the expense of buying complete new wheels

5/ How important is a cush drive.
No cush drive on mine, 7500 miles of road abuse and all's well in the gearbox, O ring chain and aluminium rear sprocket have lasted 6750 miles.

6/ What’s the ideal sprocket sizes for road use (front & rear).
I run 15f 38r but mines a 650, you may need to come down abit on the front or up on the rear.

7/ Do you really need the big front disc.
Half the fun of SM is being able to out brake bigger bikes into corners and the big disc helps, you don't have to change the caliper just buy, make an adaptor to fit the 310mm disc. A four or 6 pot Beringer caliper as I have is great but also expensive.

8/ Are there any “no no’s” like don’t get a wheel off a Honda xyz because it will never fit – or is it easy enough to make any 17” fit.
Honda C90 cub wheels don't fit.

Doesn't answer all you questions but maybe of some use to you, Cheers Freaky.
No, thats a good help cheers Freaky / esp re the 160 on a 4.5" rim / large disc & no cush drive. All helping to build my ultimate picture.

I built new rims & spokes on my boys LEM R3 hubs (small wheel to big wheel) but that's quite an expensive option - still looking for the e-bay special.
Ebay special will always be the best option, 'bling' blue etc will always command a higher price as there are plenty of gay bikers out there for whome image is everything but if you will settle for a standard manly aluminium finish then bargains can be had for a couple of hundred quid or so and if you can get a decent pair of tyres along with them then that is £150's worth easily.
It's a worth while conversion, have you ridden a supermoto before? If you're a bit of a hooligan at heart then you will love it. I came from a GSXR1000 K3 to my Berg and love it for the shorter blasts I do nowadays.
No, not done SM before (either type !!!). No hooligan either (mid life crisis man) although in my dreams I can see me drifting trhough every corner & popping the front on the way

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