Please help with finding choke cable conversion.Fe 600 1998


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Aug 29, 2020
Hey,.i have a elduro 600 and it has the flip choke under the tank and od course it wont start with this flipped all the way up.
My electric start is not working so its all me kicking with my 48 old out of shape legs and no decompress so i get tired real quick..
But i need to learn the tricks so i don't give up.
I tried with and without choke and it was very cold so i thought of taffmeister and the advice about choke cable conversion up to the handle bar and then just give it 4-5mm
So i managed to get my finger down there, get the kick into position tdc and gave my all again and it fired to my surprise and it died before i realized it and removed my finger from the choke and to give it some throttle.
After some few tries i started it and there she goes. Looking at AliExpress at cables.. but can someone help me find the correct links maybe? Please?
If you have a Round Slide carb this will work.

"Our Modified Choke Cable is also suitable for all Husaberg models with PHM (roundslide) carb; 1997 to 1999 and MX machines etc 1989-1996. You must buy the new choke piston 100403.​

The black decomp lever fits the cable perfectly. Part#1000475"​

101007 - Special Choke Cable - PHM Dell Orto Carb 2000 - 2003 Taffmeisters Own, Taffmeisters
Sorry my late answer, but thank you. I was on vacation this time you replied and must have overseen the notification.
I will do some research as i also need piston, cable and then an additional handle to pull all this and then ill guess im upwards to 50£ already atleast and im not sure ill keep the bike long enough.
I have only ridden it once since i got it due to illness and i figured i needed to sort out the leaking fuel valve before filling it up again.
It leaked all over my workshop while i was on vacation 3 weeks so i got a little tired of it just now and have been riding my other bikes while i wait for inspiration to go back at it. ;)
Still, thank you for the link and it gave me some ideas at least for the future. :)
"you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink".
that's what they say!
the items for sale also tell you where to get another 'perch & lever'.


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