Sent my engine away to a welder who is known to be able to weld the more dificult stuff, but he couldn't guarantee that the cases wouldn't distort due to the welding heat, so he wasn't willing to weld it. Wel time for a redneck solution then

I know it looks crap but believe it or not it actually works, i've got my eye on ebay for new cases but until i find somethin reasonably priced, this will have to do.
For the rest of the engine, i've had the sleeve honed and put in new piston rings, so hopefully the oil consumption will be a thing of the past.
The main reason I disassembled this engine was to upgrade the starter stuff, but now I've reassembled it, it start first kick everytime, I swear to god this bike is just laughing with me!!
Good thing it does start first kick everytime caus the starter doesn't work properly, it doesn't spin fast enough so no spark, when I kick it I get a good spark. I have an elektrex stator, is this the cause? I also have a rewound Sparks stator but the elektrex stator is stuck in the ignition cover and I'd have to break the stator to get it out, wich i offcourse rather not do. So is the problem the stator or is there something mechanical/electrical wrong?