One big oily jigsaw puzzle


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Well the first ride went very well! I put a 100 miles of tight trails on the old girl. For you folks on the other side of the pond that equals 160.934 Kilometers. Every thing is back to normal and something’s even better. I don't really know what I did but the start now works while it’s cold? It use to kick out and free wheel till it warmed up? (I still will use leg button though for the first starts!) I pulled in to the trail head with the 470 and my son fe400 strapped in the back of the old green dodge. Suited up quickly because I was a little late. With the 470 still strapped in place I attempted to start her. With an audience my brother and his riding group, who all are orange riders and known of my perils with my Berg, like a flock of vultures waiting for a kill. I roll over the 470 with the E button for a few seconds with the decompression lever pull in, choke pulled out, key on. I then pull out the leg button, roll the old girl up to TDC with one firm kick she fires right up, the jaws fell open! How’s that for an entrance?
Pre 01 kick start bikes did not use a balancer. It is popular to remove the balancer on an 01 and up bike. The crank does need rebalanced, but balanced is really a subjective word. The counterweight on the crank throws a downward force to "counter" the upward force of the piston and throws an upward force when the piston abruptly stops on the down stroke. The problem is that the crank counterweight also throws a forward and rearward force with nothing to cancel things out. Makes for lots of vibration in the horizontal plane. So a crank is balanced with the counterweight between 65 and 75% of the piston force to minimize the horizontal shake, of course some vertical imbalance remains. Factory testers experiment with the amounts to get the least perceived vibration for that chassis. A counterbalanced engine typically has a 50% balance factor with the counter balancer adding the additional 50% in the vertical plane and canceling the horizontal plane by counter rotating the balancer. This places the balancer force rearward when the crank weight is forward and vica versa. With Husabergs 01 and up balancer, everything is on the same plane where KTM's balancer (and pre 01 electric start Bergs) being forward tends to leave a bit of "rocking" imbalance(Rocking like a teeter totter). Advantage Husaberg. With the balancer rotating backwards on a forward spinning crank, the balancer bearings see TWICE engine speed. Advantage KTM. I would have to have a lot of balancer problems to want to remove it on either bike though.

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