First off great site and thanks for all the helpful info posted I have been lurking for the last few months and now have become completely addicted to the 70' motor. Picked up a few new additions to the garage 2009 FE570, 2010 FE390 with Factory connection suspension set up for 180lb rider and 2010 FX450 Factory connection for 220lb rider FMF 4.1 silencer .
previous bikes
Honda 2002 CR250
Honda 2002 XR650 L
Honda 2004 XR650R
KTM 2008 EXC 530
KTM 2007 XC W 300
Honda 2009 450 X
KTM 2002 EXC 200
KTM 2011 XC 250
Ride Report: All Husaberg 70' bikes have that flickable 2 stroke feeling that everyone describes and raves about
2009FE 570 The motor pulls very strong but is manageable in the tight stuff the map switch is a help when you need to keep the power down or boost it up for thick sand trails . It makes the KTM 530 feel very weak, first gear feels to low almost never use it in the trails that I ride and it feels like you need to shift often a 14 tooth front sprocket should help this and also assist with some light Dual sport commuting to work and job sites. Changed the springs to suit my weight 188 street clothes, suspension could use a re valve the bike feels unbalanced compared to 390 and 450 that have been re valved . Big bore motors are very fun but for a three hour enduro will have a tendency to wear you out the motors have a very jerky feeling from the engine breaking and massive torque they produce. Overall the bike is more fun to ride than most of the previous bikes listed
2010 FE 390 Plenty of power and when you need more just twist a little further engine breaking feels almost nonexistent. These bikes do feel very light but one thing that the previous owner changed that is absolutely amazing and have never read much about is an oversized front and rear rotor with new brake caliper supports. The four strokes are heavier than 2 strokes and have identical breaking systems change the rotors front and rear and they feel much more controlled especially the 390 due to lack of engine braking.
2010 FX 450
All three bikes have the original fuel pumps