ah that's excellent! thanks for the tips Dr_C, I believe in the CF/steel rod and a stupidly lightweight crank with the funny mains, might take a few years to get into though

the "heavy" 105mm setup is working sensationally for what I do.
the katoom rfs builders are going for 1-2 thou preload at operating temp
I got my 35mm roller bearings from Max at alpha bearings, proper machined steel cage no silver plating over crappy sintered powdery junk, the oem silver plating is nice but not the powder construction roller cage
a possible source for liners is westwood in the UK, very nice quality
the Mrs's

yes with the introduction of currency and toys human paring becomes a very interesting symbiotic setup, but can't complain about mine I have a set of RXF forks on the way :cheers: :cheers: