New auto decomp. - do i have the right part??


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sixdays said:
I did the spring, and it seemed to work perfect. Then i put the parts back together, cleaned and greased all the cables and tried the starterbotton (no gas). It rotaded fast, just like my KTM!! But then it started "slipping"...! AArrgghhh, is it the freewheel?
I will try to fire it up and go for a spin, maybe it can start when it´s hot?
I will keep you posted!

getting your first ride, even if it's 200 yards - makes a difference. but if it still doesn't work then you have work to do.


JESUS CHRIST..... Now i got a hole new situation! Starts VERY easy with a single soft kick. I ran it for 10 min and tried to start it with the botton. It spins fast and NO slipping!! BUT it dosn´t start!! I tried a few times, but it only started once. When i try with a kick there is NO problem - very easy!!
Any ideas?
I will mention, that it has some sort of AC/DC conversion, since the lights run directly on the battery.
YES!!! I tried ignition timing, not with strobe(i don´t have one), just by trying different settings. It didn´t do much off a change. I measured the stator - all fine.It makes 15 mm spark in free air. Then i measured the charging voltage - 13,7V. I guess thats not enough??
I cleaned all wires and the stator, and used some jumper cables to my car. Then it fired up!! Not as easy as my KTM 530, but OK. I tried it 15 times - no probs at all. This is just fantastic!!
But the 13,7 V, is that enough?? I´m going to change the battery, but maybe also the stator? And what stator should i buy, if any?
Good to hear !! 13,7 Volts.. is that idle or revving it up ?? Mine does about 14.4 revving it but only 12,5-13 @ idle.
I am sure that everyone in will tell u to go for a Sparks Rewound stator (Taffy should have them).. but why ??? If your stator measurements ar good and it does 15 mm in air it sound ok.
If you are now at the best point with regards to ignition timing, maybe what you need now is to get the carburation SPOT on if you cant live with the Berg not beeing as easy as your KTM.
Does your carb have accel pump ?? If so, try different techniques before hitting the button... Pump once.. twice ??? Choke on ??? Choke off ??? Half choke ... and so on. Try crancking it with the manual decomp first. I think every Berg owner has his own little ritual to get it going, so keep trying.
Or try other settings on the fuelscrew..

Sound like you are getting there !

Anders, DK

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