My engine rebuild


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BOSS said:
DaleEO, I am not happy with the math you show!!

However my future looks a whole lot better since your happy with the math!!!

p.s what cam chain did you buy for 76.00 ??


I believe it was a stock Husaberg cam chain, I think it's EWS or something like that.
BOSS said:
One more thing DaleEO, I read that the clutch cover gasket was reused? So can you
let us know the gaskets that were replaced? Other than the head gasket.

The only reason for asking is something must be wrong with the price guide issued
to me from Husaberg,I like the one you use :D


I'll check the box where the left over new gaskets are and get back to you. I can tell you that several of the parts used are KTM parts, such as the intakes. The specific Husaberg parts, Eric had to get from a Husaberg dealer.
So Dale,
220 hours, gone thru and no bearings???????????????

In my 501 the small bearings such as idler are what caused me major problems.
Not even cam follower??

Or did I miss something? I do the Evenlyn Wood Speed reading so I may have missed it :D

Im at around 180 on my 550 and thinking I need to do something when the snow gets deep here


just sell it :twisted:
Bobzilla said:
So Dale,
220 hours, gone thru and no bearings???????????????

In my 501 the small bearings such as idler are what caused me major problems.
Not even cam follower??

Or did I miss something? I do the Evenlyn Wood Speed reading so I may have missed it :D

Im at around 180 on my 550 and thinking I need to do something when the snow gets deep here


just sell it :twisted:

Hi Bob,

I changed the cam followers at 180, and that was a little too long. I would at least pull the rocker box and have a look at the cam followers, and see how much you have travel you have left on the adjuster. I'm not sure what year your 550 is, but if it's an 04 like mine, you may want to consider upgrading to the 05 and later cam slider that the tensioner pushes against.

Everything is was fine according to Brett, I was surprised and was ready to put a rod it in it if necessary. But, everything checked good. I don't usually rev my bike that hard, but, have rung it's neck out when necessary. I think the main thing that really helped with the motor's condition was that I change the oil very frequently. I usually don't do more than 6 hours on an oil change. Basically, I change it after every desert ride or race, so that's what 70-80 miles, and probably 3-4.5 hours for a national.

I have a 05 and I do think the followers are due.
I change my oil every weekend ride 100-300 miles and dont race delo 400 always

I am thinking followers, valves, seals, cam chain and wp seal upgrade. I still have great compression. maybe a clutch or revloc, I have wanted to try one and am looking for a used one now.

I have to say my 501 was great until final destruction and the 550 is even more reliable and less maintenance intensive than most bikes. I dont really see anything out there that I would rather have.

I would like to add more oil volume since I do some long week end point to point and back trips . If I could double the oil volume I would have the ultimate hard core ADV bike. I dont care for the Joe Racer kit I think I will build my own with a power steering cooler from Summit and some braided hose with AN fittings and buy another filter cap to modify.

These are really great motors now......... lucky no one else knows :lol:
two things bob:

firstly, why not put a dual valve spring kit in? after all springs are breaking everywhere and they aren't mileage, speed or age related. they go when they want. infact the old bikes had less trouble than these days?

secondly, no real need to change the CFB if they look ok. simply mark the pins distinctively so you know which way up they are and then having pushed them out to inspect them - put them back in 180d rotated around. they always wear at 6 'o clock.

just a thought.


BOSS said:
One more thing DaleEO, I read that the clutch cover gasket was reused? So can you
let us know the gaskets that were replaced? Other than the head gasket.

The only reason for asking is something must be wrong with the price guide issued
to me from Husaberg,I like the one you use :D

Hi Rick,

The only gaskets I see that weren't used but purchased were the clutch cover gasket and the ignition cover gasket. I also bought a new water pump gasket but did not install it. Didn't want to risk damaging the Orangeberg set up, and the water pump gasket that was in the bike only had about 20 hours on it.
Just a quick follow up here,

I finally got the time to get the motor back in the frame and take the bike out and break in the new set of rings.

I have to say that I am wholly impressed, it's been a long time since it was new, and never had a fresh top end with the proper jetting. This feels like it's on the squeeze!!!!!!!!!!! (for those of you who don't know what the "squeeze" is, it's nitrous oxide)

This bike really hauls the mail. I'm not easily impressed, and I must say this thing is scary fast!! Rolling on the throttle crossing a valley and leaning back the bike easily carries the front wheel, and 6th pulls very strong from the top of 5th.

Low end is of course unbelievable, and you had better make sure you've got it pointed in the right direction before you pull the trigger! However, the power is still smooth and controllable for the slippery off camber stuff.
there's a 60's/70's film where the term squeeze is used as a reference to a drink. it saved the man's life!

an excellent film of it's genre....anyone know the name? can you see red?


Oh , Taffy give us a toughie. Drum roll please.............. The Andromeda Strain ! the original of course, re-makes suck
Taffy said:
there's a 60's/70's film where the term squeeze is used as a reference to a drink. it saved the man's life!

an excellent film of it's genre....anyone know the name? can you see red?



Sterno as it is called over here, many uses, never tried it as a drink. Wonder if it mixes well with orange juice?

And of course it was the Andromeda strain, yes the movie was excellent, and the book was even better than the original movie. Sadly, Mr. Chriton passed away this week.

ytup what a good film! dated now of course but an element of plausibility too it that at the time would have made you ytake it seriously!

crispin - now you gotta stay in more!! see i told ya - we'll get your post count up yet!



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