lowering bushes for 08 and older?


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Aug 26, 2016
New Zealand
So i want to fit the synergy x bush and z bolt to my 08 fe450, Synergy can't answer my questions as to weather their part is suitable for my bike. Infact they seem happy to repeat my question back at me followed by more different question.
Can anyone please tell me the difference between the lower mount and swing arm of pre09 and the 70° Bikes? Or if anyone has successfully fitted one of these to the early bikes? Or if a ktm or husky model one that may fit, as synergy aren't willung to do the research, and since i can't find actual measurments in the parts finches, i have had to come and ask the experts here.
Thanks in advance for any help and hopefully this thread may help others in a similar situation
iirc, a few have used the x bush, but had do a bit of filing or grinding to get a satisfactory fit on the pds shock. i believe all the 70 degree bikes have linkage shocks.
iirc, a few have used the x bush, but had do a bit of filing or grinding to get a satisfactory fit on the pds shock. i believe all the 70 degree bikes have linkage shocks.

FWIW the 70-degrees are no-linkage aka PDS :) In the Husqvarna brand relaunch of about 2014-5 or so, then those got linkage rears.
iirc, a few have used the x bush, but had do a bit of filing or grinding to get a satisfactory fit on the pds shock. i believe all the 70 degree bikes have linkage shocks.

08 and older the shocks lower end is male fitting into a recess in the swing arm the bolt enters throught the center behind plastic covers. On the 09- 12 the lower mount of the shock is female as goes over a male part that rises up off the swing arm.
So from what i can see the set ups are very different and i don't think the synergy product can be uesd. :-( But still hope that it may fit
So this leves me (and others 08and older vertically challenged Husaberg riders) with a couple of options Shimming the shock and losing travel, or maning up and riding High… Option one requires a certain amount of work and tools, and i would probably get a shop to do it if i am willing to lose bottoming travel. Riding high as it is; run on road if fine and fun… but mounting geared up is a mission that requires me to rely on the stand to get on and off. Off road where the stand cannot always be deployed due to mud it becomes a issue. That coupled with not been able to paddle in mud or dismount quickly to push while still carrying momentum means this option is out.
There is a third option; thanks Bushy, this is to cut the upper mount from the chassis and relocate tig welding it 9 or 10mm higher. While this last option sounds drastic, having worked in fabrication its definitely an easy fix… just a permanent one.
How ever the x bush and z bolt seems the best option if it is possible to be fitted and just the z bolt with its greas nipple is a major up grade for PDS bikes.

Big thanks to everyone that has replied so far.
To anyone else with any ideas or experience lowering the 2000-08 (especially 07 08) years plesse share your knowledge. So we can all share these bikes even if a 930mm seat hight is a bit too much…

You could always have the sock lowered professionally via a strip down and shorter shaft assembly, but it would be a permanent fix....albeit a good one
You could always have the sock lowered professionally via a strip down and shorter shaft assembly, but it would be a permanent fix....albeit a good one

Thanks one more option to explore, does this mod shorten travel?
I'll tell you wot ("WOT!!"), I will give you the dimensions of that bearing soon!

this is like having yer teeth pulled somedays. reminds me of the very first 'not the 9 o clock news' sketch, a very politically incorrect "Timothy's nine hour epic on making a cup of Tea"!

back soon

The OEM KTM bushing that is used on your bike is 50180179 PIVOT BEARING KGW 1632, this is the same bearing used in the KTM Adventure bikes in that era. The x bushing will not fit the KTM Adventure, So I would believe it wouldn't fit the Husa as the shock sits between the swing arm and If you could machine and fit the bushing then you would still have the issue of the lower shock mount rubbing the swing arm.
The OEM KTM bushing that is used on your bike is 50180179 PIVOT BEARING KGW 1632, this is the same bearing used in the KTM Adventure bikes in that era. The x bushing will not fit the KTM Adventure, So I would believe it wouldn't fit the Husa as the shock sits between the swing arm and If you could machine and fit the bushing then you would still have the issue of the lower shock mount rubbing the swing arm.

Thank you FE350
I had just cross referenced some of my parts numbers and discovered as you rightly say, the bearing KDW1632 #50181079 is common between my bike and the 950 Adventure 03-06 but the bolts are of a different size yet again, the ktm adventure having M14×15L=73mm. the 09 on has a lower mounting bold DR312×50. AND the 08 and older has a 10x60 all 3 have different parts numbers so the z bolt and the ability to grease the bearing with the synergy product is a no go too.

I was awear that if it was possible to use the off set bush i would have to get the diegrinder to the swing arm but having worked as a seal polisher didn't scear me in the slightest.

Thanks to all that have replied to me in this thread.

I will post new thread when i do decide on what of the available options i do use, cut and weld, shim, or shortened shock.
Have a good week everyone, enjoy anytime you get on two wheels.
I'll tell you wot ("WOT!!"), I will give you the dimensions of that bearing soon!

this is like having yer teeth pulled somedays. reminds me of the very first 'not the 9 o clock news' sketch, a very politically incorrect "Timothy's nine hour epic on making a cup of Tea"!

back soon


Thanks for the offer but its nolonger needed (unless you know of a different sources other than synergy) as at the same time as FE350 was posting i was cross referencing the number i had got from the parts fiches and from the subsequent google searches and checking on the synergy site to discover that same as what FE350 was telling that sadly its a no go on the offset bushing system from synergy at least. But thanks for the offer to give me the mesurements.
Cheers Hadrian
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you could perhaps do a little at the top one if prepared to grind a little frame metal away.

there is no spare 'meat' at the bottom end. just below the rebound adjuster there is what? 2mm twixt shock and swing arm? so there's no chance.

I have been abswering twoi very similar threads here without recognising the titles. so if I said it was 'like this' it is because I have been talking of the 2009-2012. apologies!


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