Husaberg 'porn'


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my god, this sure is porn !!
i ride supermotard but this makes me wanna buy an extra bike,like the 570 to go offroading!!
i recently bought my 07 FS550 E and that on's allready so light and controlable,i can't help but wondering how this new bike is gonna be like
8O Handles like a 2 stroke, but with the power of a 4 stroke 450..

I want one, for now ill just have to find some blue wheels, i love them!
I think "belgique b" has found a pearler...but to name it "porn" has attracted an immense amount of views!!!!!!! If people want true porn...this is not the best site. { unless you like your porn to be blue and yellow, 4stroke motorcycles}
i don't think belgique bastard meant to use the word "porn" to attract viewers.
we use the word "porn" allso to refer to a very hot item, thing, issue...
that's how he meant it ;-)

WTF, i typed belgiquebastard en it came out belgique toughie :twisted:
is this being monitored? :D
One entry found.

Websters online

Main Entry: porn
Pronunciation: \ˈpȯrn\
Variant(s): also por·no \ˈpȯr-(ˌ)nō\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Date: 1962

Husaberg "porn" was the appropriate title... for the applicable crowd.

it was a a fix for me as i am going through the stages of grief over the selling of my husaberg....

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