Husaberg is going tits up!


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ok, fraser. i gave you a chance.

listen, when you can ride the bike like you look-alike you'll have arrived!!!!

sadly, you'll be wet and smelly....

what a shame you couldn't be civil when given a CLEAR opportunity.

still, at least from now on you wet and smelly thing: you should be useful.

kindest regards

Wow, whats with all the hate? Or am I not reading the English accents properly?
phuck it I can't sit and watch this bollox.

Taffy, I concur with cypher and Simon, you really don't know as much as you think you do. You need to pull that neck in sometimes.

Me and others truly think that the post count would be higher if wasn't for you. The way you treat newbies is appalling - you scare them off from posting. Sure, as experienced posters we all know about the doc, but newbies need welcoming, looking after, not some acid response about a resource they've yet to discover. This forum is a community and it's members whoever they are deserve respect. I really don't have a problem with newbies asking the same questions over and over again, those that do I would suggest suffer a modern(?) disease of intolerance.

It could be inferred that your demeanor has contributed to the circumstances described by the thread title and if so this is a tad alarmist and irresponsible. Oh the irony. God knows Husaberg need customers and if when thinking about buying they visit here and see your ascerbic comments, I despair.

Taffy, you have done a lot of good things for this site and your energy and commitment has to be admired, just think before you type. This post has taken 45mins to construct so it is free of typos and profanities.......mostly:D
Well said, if i had my way i would like to see him banned from posting his dribble
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spiney said:
Taffy, I concur with cypher and Simon, you really don't know as much as you think you do. You need to pull that neck in sometimes.

i can't see where the arrogant remarks i have received for no good purpose can be justified in any way! i asked a civil question of fraser and didn't get a civil answer. its all i've come to expect.

and you two can't even reach triple figures in posts for goodness sake! not so much "what you say" as have you said anything at all to justify even being listened too!

if si and cypher are examples of how to talk then i'll take my lessons off others but i won't be taking them from you or them.

i rarely talk straight off to a newcomer, i wait until they've been ignored (with zero replies)and then post is halfway down the home page. far from ruining it for newbies, i'm often the only person to respond to them at all. so your point is poorly made.

i suggest you stick around lets say for a month and answer 6 - 10 PMs per day, all of them punctually and 'relatively' politely and see how you react and feel.

as for the thread title and you some how twisting it from a conversation about husaberg ltd to this site is a bit of a stretch. its about a company and the fact that they have IMHO completely lost it.


A little post in defense of the cranky man, altough his style needs some time to get used to, the english 'slang' he uses needs even more time to get used to, especially for people like me when English isn't there first language.

But when I did my rebuild he was often the only one who took the time to answer my novice question in detail, with part numbers, etc...

I really think you need to step back and take a few deep breaths and come back down to earth for a minute of two.

The remarks you seem to be referring to are not arrogant, but it seems because they are challenging your position rather than agreeing with you, you somehow take them to be. Maybe it's actually the way you're interpreting them, that's all. There is no excuse for attacking people in the way you're doing.

As for the number of post counts, that is simply irrelevant. Whether it's 1 or a million, someone who posts has the right to post their opinion and it is equally valid, whether you like it or not. Post count has absolutely nothing to do with value.

I think the reason you're getting these replies is because you seem to have taken on an attitude that you know it all and everyone else is somehow inferior to you. And this goes for some of the more technical threads also. Whether you like the feedback you're getting or not, there have been many occasions where you've posted in such a manner as to put people off or scare them about the amount of work that needs to be done to an engine when it hasn't even be verified that's what needs to be done. At the same time, what concerns me is that you're not always entirely open about that you now have a financial interest through this site.

I have to say, if I was a new member coming on here to find out about Husaberg, I'd probably walk away. I know of others that are put off from involvement here which is both a shame and a loss to the community because people don't think it's worth bothering.

You've put a huge amount of work into this site and you're generally recognised for doing so in a largely constructive way.

Which is where we get back on topic. In your humble opinion they've lost it. In a lot of other humble opinions, they haven't - there's no need to be so defensive and rude about it.

IMHO, I tend to stick to talking about things I have a reasonable knowledge of and happily admit where I'm wrong or lack the knowledge. To give you just some of my background as it may help to know where I'm coming from; after being successfully self-employed for a number of years I'm now at a senior level in a leading multinational firm based in the the City of London. I've been involved in a quite a lot of large-scale business. I've also studied engineering at university.

I don't know about you.

Lets try and keep it constructive shall we?

"Taffy's manifesto of gloom and doom".....yes....that's it I think. That is really a more fitting title for this thread. The title is where it all went wrong.
When we say tits up over here, it means done, out of buisness, bankrupt etc..
Husaberg is not anywhere near that position. In fact as of recently they have proven to be cutting edge. The new product is highly sought after and all 09 units have been presold.
Far from "tits up".
The point I have gotten is that the previous UK dealers and distributor were done wrong by Husaberg/KTM. Dealers that were passionate about the brand and seemed to give good customer service.
The real issue here is that to the casual observer, is that they have no real marketing plan
that can be recognized by the end users. It really seems at this point to be non existant, and I can see how this could raise some concern.
It's just too bad they couldnt let us in on what they have in mind, maybe give the UK public alittle reassurance. I guess they dont see marketing as an issue. The fact of the matter is, as it has always been. Husaberg will sell everyone of the units they produce whether they market it or not.
It has always been this way with husaberg and I dont know why anyone would think that was ever going to change. If its not the UK distributor getting booted its the NA distributor getting sacked. When you have such a limited number of units available, its always the factory that calls the shots. this got into such a name calling and pissing match, I really dont know. It was a post venting frustration, a call to arms so to speak. Instead, the results were the exact opposite.
Interesting. I hope you guys can all work it out and become proper mates once again.
Just remember, it takes all kinds to make up a community.

I'm gonna butt out now.
right i'm not putting up with the comments made on here.

i've tried to bite my tonge but **** it.

taffy i find you rude and arrogant.
with such an inflated ego i cant believe

on the isle of man trip you where rude to the hosts on several occasions. particularily in the resturant on the last night when you started taking the piss out of the local pronunciation of 'juan' was almost verging on racist

you made disparraging remarks about our guide, a chap you had only met for a few hours.

you pissed me off big style, which you should know cos i told you straight.

you also, i think cos i didnt discuss in with them, missed off most of the others there.

and if you want to have a go a about peoples ability i seem to recall it was mostly richard our guide, stuart and me at the front when the pace picked up, where were you?

lets say this you dont comment on my posts and ill do the same on yours.
i'm sick and tired of your jibes simon. the whole mains thread through you are niggling away at me all the time. i simply had one of many views but they simply didn't resonate with your pessemistic attitude. while everyone else was trying to find an answer you just said everyone else was wasting their time, "i'm an engineer, i'm a business man" i mean WTF!!!! i don't mind you having your views but clearly there was no room for anyone elses.

that ben ballard is trying something, that thomas has a solution is brilliant, all we get from you is "i have done everything and its harmonics blkah blah". if you don't like my views, say so, if you can prove them wrong-tell me but don't sit there with your smug little comments winding me and others up with your conceited smugness.

i'll put my views against yours anytime but you can't leave it at that.

as for you fraser, you let yourself down in this very thread, why you think i should put up with your "you" remarks i don't know? if you wind people up long enough you'll get a bite and you got it!

i hold you both in contempt for the way you speak to me and nothing will change about that. i'm simply not prepared to let your simmering nastiness get to me anymore fraser.

no more smug answers simon, for once in your life shut the phuq up!

fraser, you drink like a girl and that's the worst thing i've ever said about anyone coz if there's one thing i hate it's flippin shandy drinkers! i've never seen you buy a drink yet and i've been on two trips with you! you go home after a pint with a headache!

so if you hand it out your going to get it back.

it would suit me if neither of you EVER reply to one of my posts (even indirectly with some smug comment simon!) and i'll do the same.


not drinking is a choice that i make.

if i had been drinking on the isle of man it would probably have ended up in violence, for some of your comments in the chinese resturant on the saturday night even with my wrist bandaged up and doped up on meds.

drink effects people in different ways and the last 2 years or so its not been a good thing for me to do.

if you cant accept other people for their differences then it just reinforces my view.

we both know where we stand now.

signing off (though not from theforum as a whole)
This sort of banter seems to happen when there are no new problems on the bikes that need to be solved, it is then we tend to turn on our own. Human nature I suppose. Ratings (members online) spike for a few days then return to normal. Unfortunately the end result is that someone will get insulted to the point of no return. They end up leaving. Lets not get too fired up about something we have absolutely no control over. We cannot afford to lose one single member. There are just too few of us to begin with. Our members strong points are fixing mechanical things that have broken. We will never be able to fix what goes on at the Husaberg/KTM board room as we don't even know if anything is truly broken. KTM can do business any way they see fit. We don't have to agree with it but it is not our decision.

Lets try and keep this site an oasis of exotic dirt bike enthusiasts that share a common interest. Don't blow it up now as we have come too far. Its time for everyone to show respect for Jason's creation the UHE. It is deserving of it.
Hear, Hear to Berger & Husabutt. In the immortal words of Rodney King "can't we all just get along" I've met and hung out with both of you Cypher and Taffy and , no homo or anything , but I like you both. Ken is right here, just agree to disagree shake hands so to speak and move on. NO ONE knows what is going on at KTM/Husaberg why get pissed off (mad) at each other over nothing more than opinions ? As my dad says opinions are like ******** everyone has one. May calmer heads prevail.
All I can say is that it will be nice if they make street legal 650s again. KTM goes up to 530 dual sport enduro but we got the light weight 550s and 650s. So now they can make 450, 570 and lets say 660. That sounds like a good number. And if they cant give us a plate at least start with giving us a green sticker. The new bike looks great and seems to have good reviews so far. Why not put the icing on the cake? Maybe they will.
Forget the 380/450/550/650 there all sh*t

Give me a 501 with all the upgrades to the motor and NOTHING will touch it. That was


Husaberg died when they droped the 501 :evil:

gotta stir the pot just one more time :p
pollo said:
All I can say is that it will be nice if they make street legal 650s again. KTM goes up to 530 dual sport enduro but we got the light weight 550s and 650s. So now they can make 450, 570 and lets say 660. That sounds like a good number. And if they cant give us a plate at least start with giving us a green sticker. The new bike looks great and seems to have good reviews so far. Why not put the icing on the cake? Maybe they will.

The KTM 530 is "gone up" only in the marketing department. It still displaces 510cc, just the 525 before that and the 520 before that. Yes the 530 is a new design, but displacement stays the same.

THe fact that the '09 Berg is not green sticker in California is strange. It's the biggest market in the USA.

However, I don't think it's a stretch to say that Husaberg will sell every '09 they make. I honestly don't see what the big deal is with no 650 when the new 570 is going to be more powerful.

Husaberg will always be a small, niche brand, and I frankly wouldn't want it any other way. What fun would a Force Ride be with 1000 people? It would be hard for Bobzilla to make that much chili, and there is not a Municipal sewer system that could handle the aftermath anyway.

Two different bikes is plenty for now.
But the new 570 won't be more powerful than their new 650. If that 570 has so much HP then I will really be liking their 650.
I don't know, to me with a lot of things, more is better. Maybe thats why I have the best Macsimizer tool box, the Chevy SS 6.0 liter AWD Silverado and the Husaberg FE650. I miss my 2001 CR500. The last year too! Sold it. :?
You go Bobzilla!
I guess you gotta believe in what you got. :lol:
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