Husaberg is going tits up!


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Ever ride one?? big bore power with small bore revs. That bike never got beat out of a sandy corner, my bud had a 600 and 650 husy and was always pissed. when I changed to the 550 he got the new 650 and was finally happy he could drag me :p
What happens if the '09 throws a leg out the side (to be read "top")? Does it take your nuts off on the way through? 8O

Sorry, just got sidetracked.....
Bobzilla said:
Forget the 380/450/550/650 there all sh*t

Give me a 501 with all the upgrades to the motor and NOTHING will touch it. That was


Husaberg died when they droped the 501 :evil:

gotta stir the pot just one more time :p

this will make you weap bob.....i'm told that the only reason that they dropped the 501 is because the alloy tube from which they make the linars is expensive so they wanted to keep it all at the one 'tube' and dropped the 400 and 501. no other reason!


Taffy said:
i'm sick and tired of your jibes simon. the whole mains thread through you are niggling away at me all the time. i simply had one of many views but they simply didn't resonate with your pessemistic attitude. while everyone else was trying to find an answer you just said everyone else was wasting their time, "i'm an engineer, i'm a business man" i mean WTF!!!! i don't mind you having your views but clearly there was no room for anyone elses.

that ben ballard is trying something, that thomas has a solution is brilliant, all we get from you is "i have done everything and its harmonics blkah blah". if you don't like my views, say so, if you can prove them wrong-tell me but don't sit there with your smug little comments winding me and others up with your conceited smugness.

i'll put my views against yours anytime but you can't leave it at that.

no more smug answers simon, for once in your life shut the phuq up!


Wow Taffy, talk about toys out of pram!

Actually, every time you post a reply to mine you prove a point - that you neither read them properly nor understand what I'm talking about most of the time. You just don't get it. Full stop.

You also seem to have some sort of narcissistic streak thinking that I'm always making jibes at you - wtf is that all about. Yeah, sometimes I do, most of the time I don't :D

So now you start to insult my background and experience yet you're not quite so sure about backing up your comments with your background and experience, are you?

Doesn't that say something?

Oh yeah, for the last 5 years I've also been fighting neurological illness - have a pop at that, won't you.

You seem to have some big issues with the main bearing thread and what I said in it. Again you totally missed to fookin' point. I wasn't being pessimistic, rather more down to earth and realistic.

There has, for a long time, been a simple solution to those bikes that have main bearing problems. Instead of accepting that and telling people you carry on with your bull, yes bull, trying to devise a solution that for most engines isn't necessary and therefore you make the problem seem a whole load worse than it really is and give people the impression that they need some major engineering work to their engines to get it fixed - which is not true.

I very much accept enginehardwares solutions and proposals yet I also accept that he is running a bike that is highly tuned, gets raced hard, and rebuilt often.

Ben Ballard, I accept he is trying something but nothing has come back on that one and again it is over-engineering from the perspective of someone who wants to just get on and ride their bike.

In actual fact, I drafted a paragraph for the doc, outlining all solutions proposed for the main bearing issue yet instead you decide to ignore that and write a load of drivel about it. I think that shows clearly I'm willing to be open minded about the possibilities, but then you've made your mind up and it's clearly closed.

The other matter is that during that whole thread nobody came along with any real objective figures to back up what they're saying. In fact on most occasions it was specifically avoided and the only person who actually did any even rudimentary calculations was me. Enginehardware has been true to his word and come up with suggestions on bearing upgrades, which I have accepted wholeheartedly. However, I'm also very weary nowadays of taking things posted at face value without first verifying them.

If you took the time to work out what goes on with the vibrations from the counter-balancer, and then run a highly tuned 650 engine for a few seasons and iron out the problems yourself, you might actually gain some understanding. You've never done this though.

Additionally, I have a very strong suspicion, as well as some knowledge, that your so called views are often views and knowledge gleaned from elsewhere yet on here they come across as entirely yours without acknowledging where and who they actually come from - interesting........ :?

I have a huge amount of respect for many members on this forum but it doesn't mean that I'm not willing to push back and challenge or question what they're saying.

I think the truth of the matter is that you're struggling with cash flow, it's frustrating and instead of dealing with it like an adult you come on here and throw your toys out of the pram like a baby and blame Husaberg and everyone else, letting the community take a hit.

You started this thread saying you wanted a fight - it seems you got your wish!

I suspect it hasn't worked though.

Take a few deep breaths Taffy......... chill the fook' out :wink:

Taffy said:
spiney said:
Taffy, I concur with cypher and Simon, you really don't know as much as you think you do. You need to pull that neck in sometimes.

and you two can't even reach triple figures in posts for goodness sake! not so much "what you say" as have you said anything at all to justify even being listened too!


We all contribute to this forum in different ways and my contribution was access to cheap bearings, seals etc from an industrial supplier: ... highlight=

Now I know this has saved those that choose to use it hundreds of pounds both here and on Visordown(RIP), seventeeninch wheels and other SM forums.

To judge quality of contribution by post count is truly pathetic. I'm from Yorkshire and in Yorkshire, if we don't have owt to say, we say nowt :D Something you might learn from :wink:

I do have a lot of regard for your contribution and energy for for this forum. What I don't appreciate is how you are disrepectful/abusive/dismissive to some people, and this I can't tolerate anymore. I have been a member for over 5 years and have never challenged your poor behaviour until now, but predictably that does not fit Taffy law :lol:

My background that qualifies my views:
Qualified Marine Engineer - 30 years ago. You try pulling a 2m x 1m piston on a 2 stroke MAN marine diesel in a 10 foot swell 8O
Since then, Technical Author, Production Engineer, Manufacturing Manager, Purchasing Manager and now Director of my own business support company
And I have been riding, tuning and rebuilding all my bikes since I was 15.

I have only one thing left to say on this which is why is it myself, Cypher, Simon and gruntunberg (and others in the past) feel compelled to challenge your behaviour? I only know Steve (gruntunberg - who is a good mate) and yet I find myself siding with them.

Like I said before, just pull it in from time to time :)
spiney said:
I really don't have a problem with newbies asking the same questions over and over again, those that do I would suggest suffer a modern(?) disease of intolerance.

you no doubt don't have a problem because you are never here to answer them; this was my point and i never said anything about the quality of your replies so it's a shame you can't accept that this was clearly my point. i get bored of spelling things out to people. it lowers the level of the argument. 5 years, barely any posts, one decent tip and taken away bucket loads of info...his reply "i don't know nuffink, i would post if i knew summink?" nah! doesn't work!! the man is an engineer so that isn't the reason? so he's a taker! got it!

i've explained the situation with newbies and a couple have stepped up here to say that i've helped them a lot. i help everyone i can here. you help yourself.


Umm, please's an interesting thread, or rather, subject.

Taffy - I've never met you, but from reading here alone, you come through as very harsh, and even though I'm used to browsing english speaking forums (am an old school Impreza owner,, scoobynet, etc) - I've got a hard time understanding what you mean at times. :)

Just a view from the "outside".

Rgds :)

I've been on the site for just over a year now & have managed to dodge the "Taffy spanking" by reading old posts & only asking " dumb" questions when all else fails. I too have sat back & posted when way too drunk to the point I'm looking out of one eye whilst typing. Whilst Taffy has upset a few individuals with his banter he has helped hundreds of people that didn't bother logging on to this great site & just came for the info they required & pi$$ed off without so much as a thanks. Just look how many unlogged users there are everytime you log on.

Every forum whether it be bike, boat or toy train orientated has its eccentrics that believe everything they say is gospel & the only unfortunate part is you cant limit it to one per site. Ego's are always going to get bruised in the process & it's the individuals right not to reply. You, as the individual, must take what info you regard as true & disregard anything that doesn't wash, if it smells like $hit it probably is $hit. I've met some great guys through this site & upset a couple of people myself & I'm no expert. Nature of the forum setup so get over it, get on with it & get on it & ride cause thats why were all here...we love to ride. :wink:
this thread was about husaberg and not me. do you think you could stick to the subject!

i don't care for your personal opinion of me, much less that you both (above) think you have the right to share it in public and with no good cause in your cases - to get involved. wildman you even say as such.

this site is dedicated to husabergs and not the personal attacks that you feel entitled to make.

so get on subject or shut up.

as there is no chance that this will get back on subject i hope someone will put a loxk on it. there seems little point in it continueing.

Ease up Taff, dont need to get wound up 'bout things, it is just an internet forum afterall (indeed a very good one, and no disrespect intended to all the members who make valuable contribution through it).

My old man is a mechanic, and he seems a bit like you is some ways, its in any good persons nature to want to help a punter out of strife, but it's the way that punter approaches 'the asking' that matters a lot, i'd seen my old man oye off good well mannered blokes in his workshop, cos they would come in and say, 'gidday bloke, i want to pick your brain', no obvious attempt at researching the problem, straight for the path of least resistance, and not the respectfull asking of someone you expect to go out of their way to help.

(I know im off topic, but thought I had something to add)

anyway, H'berg, going tits up? well mate, maybe as you see it, maybe in the UK, but as I see it, or read about it at least from my corner of the country, 2009 is starting to spell BIG things for Husaberg in Aust in the future.

its turning a lot of heads, this sleeping minority exotic brand, its got KTM ownersa jumping ship as they hear of the impressive wins being racked up, i dont know how long something so sought (as the '09 is becoming) can go on being called anti-mainstream.

small company, small production, hard decisions to be made, models dropped from the lineup - didn't i see an '09 supermotard on here the otherday, next year when the desigh is proven beyond doubt and the MX capacity wars are settled, Berg may introduce some new capacities (look at Hqv's new models), or re-enter the MX category, but right now thats a big ask for a small manufacturer.

Thanks for coming....

Husaberg going tits up or whip the arrogant guy that has the answers??
I have been a member for a while and lurk more than I post but that said I am in favor of this thread ending. Taf made a statement about how the brand is getting more specilized, limiting the market and somehow it has turned into a Taffy bash. Now while I cant understand some of the things that come out of his mouth due to my tech limitations and him not being able to use the english language ( even though he lives in ENGLAND) properly he has rubbed some raw and smothed over many problems. If ya been here a while you get to know the guy and belive me much of his bitc*es are tounge in cheek.
He has a point about answering a n00bs questions. I am guilty of it myself. Ill try and be more responsive. member the only dumn question is the one you dont ask and end up phuking the pooch

OK post whore lets stick a fork in this one.................. its done
Husaberg are no more than cheap R&D for KTM. They get to keep all there orange customers happy while experimenting on Husaberg bikes and Husaberg customers.
All the while costing the Husaberg customers more money..............
Then when Husaberg get it fixed and right they put it on there KTM.

The end is near .....
faktor said:
Husaberg are no more than cheap R&D for KTM. They get to keep all there orange customers happy while experimenting on Husaberg bikes and Husaberg customers.
All the while costing the Husaberg customers more money..............
Then when Husaberg get it fixed and right they put it on there KTM.

The end is near .....

Bah...strange, my 08 FE450 is alot nicer than the katoooms I've ridden (owned 08 300 EXC, testridden 08 450 exc, and owned 03 450 EXC), smoother engine, lighter bike, easier to throw around.

And it's a helluvalot easier to clean and work on to boot (that I do NOT like about the new bike).

I luvs me 'berg, seriously.

2 cents, I am a passionate grumpy mechanic, I like straight shooters and people that tell you how they feel and what they think. Ease up on the guy, I pissed off some engineers and business types this week by calling bs on shenanigans. :cursin: Yeah I come across as an a$$ but a valid point is a valid point, regardless of the rhetoric.

I am troubled by the all the eggs in one basket nature of the current business model. I like the innovations hbg has made, but the lack of diversity seems to be an issue. Is that the point? or have I been breathing too much ill-conceived diesel engineering exhaust?

All I gotta say at this point is that what has been done is done with Husaberg this year and we all know the details. Besides following the bikes and their progress this coming year we'll just have to wait and see what will come of 2010. That' s it!. And wouldn't you like to know :lol:
Hi All,
Seem`s to me that there is one f**k wit that has a few beers on a night and can`t take it!
You know who you are mate, ease up on the beers or mate get some help cause believe me you`ve got some issue`s Bud

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RE: Re: [sic]

i invite anyone to have aa look at brookster's posts (profile, see all posts) and you realise that he serves absolutely no good porpose to this web site but to slander me at every opportunity.

he should be banned. simple as that.

if you haven't got anything good to say then don't say anything.

and to the moderators i tell you that you've let me and most of all this web site down. "put a fork in it?".

an apology would be better!

RE: Re: [sic]

I think this has gone on long enough. Any questions, you can direct them to me...
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