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Jan 10, 2017
Sweden - Sjömarken
Sold my old -94 600 FE back in 2017 and have only ridden KTM enduros since + yamaha on the road.

Was looking around for a super moto and found a FSe 650 -02. It had been sitting unused since 2010 but was more or less complete except for a stand a battery and starter solenoid and the clutch cover was off. Fitted the clutch cover, cleaned the carb, new fuel and oil and it started quite easy. It was fun to ride but backfired/lean popped a bit off throttle and was difficult to kickstart without good support. Drove it for a couple of rides but managed to brake the kickstart shaft so I decided it was time for major teardown service just to know the status.

1. Head looks like new. No tuliped valves or mushroomed stems. Lifters upgraded to later type. I replaced the 53 cam with a 08, fitted new camshaft bearings, upgraded decomp, new camchain and upgraded chain guides. Fitted dual valve springs which needed some grinding for clearance.

2. Bore was fine, no scuffs, scraches or noticeable wear.

3. Removed decomp wires from kick, handle bar and head.

4. Taffy’s modified kickstart sledge. Shimmed out the new kickstart shaft approx 0.75 mm to not ride/bind against the sledge plate and had to remove approx 0.25 mm from the clutch cover for the shaft not to pinch/bind when the cover is fitted.

5. Have a R6 starter motor and I’m just about finished with the new bracket for it. New solenoid too. No battery yet, will go for Li.

6. All electrical seem to work. Turn signals, horn, hi/lo beam, brake lights, tail light. No lic plate light though, will need that. The speedo is the old cable driven type and the odo works but the speedo seem to show too low speed. Maybe the cup has become demagnetized? Anyone knows? Front wheel drive gear is the correct one for 17” wheels.

7. Have an ”easy start kit” for the carb + choke wire to handle. Not fitted yet.

8. Will fabricate a stand out of a solid Ø30 alu rod.

Hope to finish the bike up for a start next week or so. Hope to be able to use the electric start. Kick shafts are difficult to find and expensive and I’ve heard they break easily. Have CAD:ed one and could make my own in my lathe and mill except for the splines and tempering.
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Started right up with the kickstarter. Sometimes starts on the e-starter but I haven't had time to fiddle with the fuel screw, idle screw and timing so I guess it'll only get better. Fitted a 150 CCA LiFePo battery /Shido LTZ7s which fitted right in the old battery holder.

I was very carefull when fitting the head and new headgasket. Straigthness checked on cylder/block deck and a head. Buffed the Surfaces with scotchbrite and there were no old gasket residue left. Torqued up in three steps to 45 Nm in cross pattern. Still has a tiny coolant leak on the right side between the cylinder dekk and the head. The old gasket had silicone/rubber "tracks" around the water and oil passages (fabricated like that). The new gasket does not.

Also the suggested semi synt oil seem to foam up like crazy at start. I first thought it was an internal water leak but when the oil settles it goes back to normal. I drained and refilled and have the drained oil in a clear container and can see no bubbles, separation, water drops in it. New filled oil foams up again, looks like chocolate milkshake. I have read many Husaberg and KTM posts some saying this is normal other saying there is water in the oil but that it does not show any separation.

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