got 'em


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well there you have it everyone, i've been in business now for 18 months, thats 540 days and i've asked "did anyone see where that unsold '08 650 was?" and he thinks i'm selling something? i phucking ask you! the man is delluded clearly.

so that leaves one thread....

so let's have a link to this thread and if you think i tried to sell my wareson it then i'll leave the phucking site. i'm absolutely incensed by your attitude. i told people that a Ti valve was now doo-able. why? because until now you phucking pillock - YOU COULDN'T GET Ti VALVES other than OEM and they cost so much nobody could afford to run them. that means they are machinable, doo-able, possible.

i then put crispin off (YES THAT'S RIGHT, I PUT HIM OFF BUYING THEM YOU HAVE READ THIS STATEMENT CORRECTLY) buying them advising him that they were unnecessary. i also tell everyone else that Ti valves are unnecessary. if you can rev steel to 13k and the red line is 12k on a 450 safely then why would you buy them?

i'm really sick and tired of the the moderators on this site, you don't sort things out, 9/10ths of the time you don't seem to get it.

while we're here, i'd better explain my policy on the donations. i don't make donations because i have given up hundreds of £££ testing stuff, trying things and then putting the results here, my support is in the knowledge i give.

NOW I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO POINT THAT OUT. but unfortunately, everything has to be spelt out to our 'cousins'. i haven't heard anyone say they knew it, guessed it, thought it might be? i bet you all think i'm tight. WABoFW. not even BT as i used to tell fry.

no wonder lineaweaver moved on..... then simon......

i'm done with all this ****

NKW570 said:
09 FE570 FOR SALE. £9,990--00 GBP.

Loads of extras, well a part worn S12 rear.
Cash in an envelope before viewing.
Delivery to any junction of M25.
No timewasters please.

this needs to be moved to classifieds

8O :D :lol:
Stoveguy said:
I must stick up for Taffy here, he has given more "free" stuff here than just about anyone.

yes, yes , yes.
according to the barmaid in moab, taffy gave her something that she gets each and every month without fail.
Holy flying bales of Hay!

I missed the start of this...discussion, but...

Why is it so hard for all of us to just get along in a completely friendley manner?

Some of us are enthusiasts sharing experiences, some of us are seeking knowledge or experience that others here may have, some of us ARE experienced either as enthusiasts or have technical expertise to share, and some of us are in business to deliver the thrill of owning and living with Husabergs.

Only a few weeks ago, I brazenly offered the name of my local area Berg dealer and listed his stock of remaining '06 & '07 Bergs because I thought that might benefit someone in the UHE world who may desire one of these last-of-the-line bikes.

I hope that does not brand me as some kind of criminal out to make illicit gains from my on-line associates or friends on this website.

Jeepers! Relax. I probably sound like everybody's Mom with this, but, come on! Play nice. There are plenty of Bergs to go around. We all benefit from the knowledge and experience shared here from everyone.

Personally, I do not begrudge the folks who have discoverd, or sacrificed to find, a way to earn a living by making being a Berg afficianato a way of life.

Those basing their finacial future on the wellkeeping of the rest of us, Berg-wise, deserve some latitude in my perspective.

I believe I am smart enough to recognize when I am being sold something and can do my own adequate research to either accept or reject what is being profferd.

I am, also, not offended by being offered a product or solution by any vendor on this site who may answer my query for help with a product that may resolve my issue.

That is why I logon.

If we could all just sit down for a ripping ale someplace and chat, I'm sure we'd all laugh for days (and fight a few times just for the hell of it...who, brought the bandaids?).

tuts said:
i dont have a calculator handy so i dont know how many gallons 9,900 liters is, and i dont know what gbp is, but it seems high.



It's a GameBoy Pocket.
schwim said:
tuts said:
i dont have a calculator handy so i dont know how many gallons 9,900 liters is, and i dont know what gbp is, but it seems high.



It's a GameBoy Pocket.

Here Tuts,
Dont start trying to short change me with US gallons, we get more to the gallon here in the UK you know.
However , i do accept your offer of 9,900 litres for my 570 as long as you provide the tanker and its at least 95 ron unleaded. :D

GBP stands for Gordon Brown Pound, like him, its worth sweet FA !
Taffy said:
while we're here, i'd better explain my policy on the donations. i don't make donations because i have given up hundreds of £££ testing stuff, trying things and then putting the results here, my support is in the knowledge i give.

I have had a lot of differences with Taffy, but I agree with this statement. I didnt realise he conceived 'the doc'
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