Gear selector drum (fixed!)


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not the exact same problem, yet...

but I am assembling my engine after a smaller rebuild (650 2006)
folowing the workshop manual (for the 2006)

The next thing is the star
the manual tells me to putt the smaller wascher first then the star with the coloured pin in the hole by the missing toth.

the problem, no small wacher, not on the parts liste either.....
no colored pin, do they mean the mark in the drum ?

I am presuming that the missing toth and the mark on the drum is supposed to match, but am i right ?
the washer goes on after the star so that it prevents the little pins from coming out

there is a punch mark on the drum to align the star, can't remember what it aligns to .. neutral maybe.. try it and see :D
here are from manual & spare parts list.....

no colored stuff and no small washer....

WHAT should teh punchmark on the drum align against ?


the only washer ive seen is the big one in the pic

try the punch mark on neutral it is either neutral or 1st from memory I can never remember .. i just try a position and then test it

if you have it right you will know.. gearbox will work well if its wrong it won't work properly .. easy to test by hand
bushmechanic said:
the only washer ive seen is the big one in the pic

try the punch mark on neutral it is either neutral or 1st from memory I can never remember .. i just try a position and then test it

if you have it right you will know.. gearbox will work well if its wrong it won't work properly .. easy to test by hand

okay, so tghe knocked of toth alignes with the punchmark should, maybe be right...

I must have done something wrong...

got the bike ready yesterday eavening...
Started it up today and rode arround the block

1 , Neutral, 2:nd fine, then nothing not stop with the pedal, just moves up without a stop
cant remember, when in 6th gear trying to gear up one more, is it stop or not ?

Can I somehow managed to set up 5th as 1st gear ?
I've had the following problem;

1st, 2nd, neutral, all the rest.

When mounting the star you first find the neutral, then install all the parts but the star. The locking lever too.
Next you install the star holding the locking lever with a screwdriver. The recess, or the missing "point" should point a little bit downward, not parallel to the surface. Mount the shift lever and go gently through the gears helping it shift by turning the make sure all is good.

I also haven't found any other washer except the big one on top in my engine.


Re: Sv: Gear selector drum (fixed!)

makazica said:
I've had the following problem;

1st, 2nd, neutral, all the rest.

When mounting the star you first find the neutral, then install all the parts but the star. The locking lever too.
Next you install the star holding the locking lever with a screwdriver. The recess, or the missing "point" should point a little bit downward, not parallel to the surface. Mount the shift lever and go gently through the gears helping it shift by turning the make sure all is good.

I also haven't found any other washer except the big one on top in my engine.



So in my case, now when everything is together and in the bike...
Take off sidecover
Take off clutchbasket
Take off the star
Turn the geardrum through the gears down to first and then neutral.
Mount star
Mount clutch
Mount sidecover, pray that the watersealing is still good
Fill water
Testdrive ;-)

// Andreas/P-son
using Tapatalk 2
It was not wrongly put togehter by me....

The error was that the bolt that centers the "shifterarm" that moves the star/drum was a tiiny bit to far up.
I remember that the bolt took wrong tread when I monted it, but it was to late to save it shen I noticed. So I left it like it was.
This resulted in that the shifterarm when I had put gearboxin 2nd gear did not quite get as far down as it hasto to grip the next pin on the drum, no next gear as result.
If I fiddled a little with the footlever, just puched it down aprox 2mm then the arm released and the gear could be acessed.
I did not think of trying this wfen testriding...

However, adjusted the bolt with a few good punches, now it works flawless :p

I wil, do it correct next time I do a big service, and get newthreads in block and new bolt.
Did not have time or lust right now to split everything again to do the threads now...

// Andreas/P-son
using Tapatalk 2

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