Yes taffy i think you hit it on the nose!!! the all mighty dollar runs everything!!! and it sucks!!! my girlfriend lives 210 miles from me in a little town called ellensburg(about a 3.5 hour drive) and in her little town things are soo much....... well...... she never locks her car door, can't tell you the last time there was a murder or a shooting. people have guns, but they use them for recreation and hunting, not settling disputes over stuff that really does not matter( eh-hem...judge juty and every other stupid A$$ judge show)
if you ask me i blame our ridiculously ineffective joke of a government, the media and the government....... i could go on and on, but my main worry is how the rest of the world sees America. i think that the media really distorts or shows only partial (the bad) way we live.
You talk about community, and the only place i find it anymore, and its a constant everywere.... is were motorcycles are present. at ANY staging area if a guy is having trouble starting his bike or what ever, there WILL be at least 2 people(complete strangers) that come and ask to help, and will give parts tools or thought(use full or not
there is not one other place that i can think of that this is a constant, not even a church, most but not all have good communities.
i fear for my children( i have all but adopted the girlfriends 2yr old), fear of what the world will do, become or ..........
I have been hearing this commercial lately that says it best....
We as a human race will not be defined by what we create, but by what we choose not destroy.........