fe550 2005 main bearing failure


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the factory would be aware of the failures ,they would have to cover a lot of warranty issues

why dont they upgrade the bearings as per JBS racing , and then get the end float right ???

solve the problems factory :director:
I reckon that Taffy is spot on, when I was looking at the FE550 '05, my dealer was telling me about it, it was apparently VERY obvious when they pre-delivered the bikes, as they allegedly smoked their heads off when they first run the engines before rolling them out to the showroom floor.

I am lead to believe that in the last half of the production year the 'end float' problem was fixed, i.e. working tolerances were fixed, therefore the bearings were not under constant load. I also think a lot has to do with temp/expansion in the bearings, this is common in all cases, like when you use high speed bearings in a wheel hub, if you don't allow some float, when they heat up and expand, they become more highly stressed.

it's a shame ben hasn't dropped on us the bearing code, we'll have to ask him next time he's in.

to put a ball race in instead of one roller gives you the tolerances you need. ball race's are a lot more forgiving.

the ideal answer is to strip an engine and machine .015" of end float in the cases. indeed, you should machine more and then put the correct shim on the end of the crank. it's always amazed me how my ducati had shims on every shaft (literally. think of any shaft then think lots of shims) and yet the husey has none anywhere!

this could potentially mean that although lineaweaver was right to say that the earlier engines had misaligned halves, the fact is that rollers could well be good in these engines and the halves might well be perfectly aligned (and i suspect that they are) but the fact is, dealers like DCR stuck ball races in just to get them over the finishing line.

one or two have been here and we've recommended machining the cases as a pair using an arbor (see dale's gallery) , but the fact is, it's end float that wants machining in.

i guess while they're there though they might as well machine them for aligment AND depth (end float).


So is the main bearing problem mainly on the 04 and on bikes? I have a 2003 fe501 with just under 1000kms on it. Should i be getting worried?
Husaberg_501 said:
So is the main bearing problem mainly on the 04 and on bikes? I have a 2003 fe501 with just under 1000kms on it. Should i be getting worried?

Hi 501,
Try a search on "main bearings". You will find plenty of topics/posts and hopefully you can draw some conclusions from what has been discussed over the years.
Happy reading,
main bearing issue

As advised in a previous thread on the main bearing issue, at the six day in NZ, I made some enquiries on this in relation to recent models. I was concerned at reading some previous comments as I am planning to get an 07 berg and wanted to satisy myself on what was going on. The ANSWER was that it is the main bearing float and the problem should not occur if this is set right. This of course aims the issue at an assembly one. I was also told it was easy to check by simply taking of the stator (three screws) and measuring the float by push pull and measure with a verneer. Of course if it is not right you need to split the cases! ......that is the end of the matter at least for me. I did discuss the issue also with someone who has had about 14 recent models ( I think the whole family must ride them) and they had noted the float issue as being the problem.

The bergs as far as I could see ran very well, although one dnfed. I don't know why but it may have been a crash and stuck thottle, etc. I was impressed with the way they seemed to float over bumps etc. The factory ones of course where lightened up without the electric start etc, but the full electric start ones ran well also.

I understand that Husaberg will be coming up with some inovative stuff soon that can be expected to be revolutionary. I know nothing in this area for sure, but expect this will be in relation to the connecting rod material, fuel injection only without kick, frame (but same material).

As for me.....well I like to get the end of a run, not the new things so the 07 for me (and even though 08 could have all the stuff sometimes things come out in bits and peices and can take longer depending on the marketing of things), and after the six day I have decided the 450 over the 550.

Please don't ask any more on the main bearing issue as I don't know any more, but it is not a concern that would stop me buying a berg.

NZ was fun.
RE: main bearing issue

Regarding the rod. Are we talking about carbon fiber?? I remember some kind of
report was passing at work. There one Swedish company had made test rods
in carbon fiber to Husaberg.

But this was some years ago. And I can't remember the name of the company.

Now I have found the company: MxComposites. Seams like J.Ljunggren WEC bike. Has been running with a rod of MMC (Metal Matrix Composites) during this year. Also Martin Lind has used it in SuperMotard this year.

They say that no bearings are needed, since MMC has a "lubrication" effect..and
due to lower mass.The balance shaft has been removed.

fc600racer: Any comments??
it is an aluminium alloy compound rod and the idea is that there is less weight so less momentum back and forth, meaning less vibration and more power.
3 rides under the its belt since the big rebuild, all going well.

Just need some rain, colder conditions and then let the fun begin.

Watch out "ktm's" the big bad berg is back!

Ktm may have raped "Berg" and let crankshaft failures be the norm, at least we have the horsepower to show'em who the boss of the bush is!


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