explain your NIK?


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Nov 20, 2001
Ely, England
i just have to know where half of you got your niks?


gotta be a tale behind each one i reckon?

is someone who is welsh - the same as a frog is french and a jock is scottish. my old man was welsh down here in england and i inherited his nik.


NIK=nickname I believe.
My uncles NIK wan "Nobby". Any guesses as to why?
tm = the brand of bike that I used to ride/race, the best handling bike made, a bike made with passion, a company that understands going fast in mud and rocks, comes in blue which is the same color as my blood
enduro = I love enduro, WEC, ISDE, qualifiers

tm + enduro = an assurance that I will spend lots of money on a "habit" as long as I can twist the grip and avoid most trees in my way!
kelsow said:
NIK=nickname I believe.
My uncles NIK wan "Nobby". Any guesses as to why?

Noburu Ueda was a japanese driver in the 125cc (GP) his NIK was "NOBBY".
May be??

My NIK is no NIK, it's my name
My uncle's last name is Clarke. Apparently everyone named Clarke in the Navy, they call Nobby.
Go figure.
all roberts are rob which is bobby or bob
all richards are called dick
all charles are charlie
all williams are bill
and all sirnames white are called chalky!

there are loads more!


ok, long story short. I turned up at my new regiment...who were 90% Brummies. I was asked my name. I said "Steve". they said "NO, we got 4 of those already...you can be Scouse!" But I replied that I was actually from Birkenhead. They said "Yeah...whatever" 18 years later I am known as scouse by everybody except my family!
other good nick names...
I met a guy called Zulu...zulu time is standard greenwich meantime.. so zulu is always an hour behind everyone else!
I met a guy called eeyore{as in the donkey from Winnie the pooh} I asked him why the sergeant had introduced him as eeeyore. the lad said "I do not know...he or, he or...he always calls me that!
in the British Army it is common to call a guy "Blister" because he always turns up when the work is done. or "Dud" cos they never work!
kelsow said:
NIK=nickname I believe.
My uncles NIK wan "Nobby". Any guesses as to why?

One would assume perhaps the males in your family have a genetic predisposition to being less well endowed than most. :lol:

As for mine,my last name is Ford so due to the car just about every possible username with ford in it is taken.Way back when while I was in the reserves your designation was the first four letters of your name and the last three of your social insurance number.In my case,ford832.Oddly enough,no one had that.
Back in the day.......... (sounds kind of like once upon a time doesn't it?)

When I first started racing I always filled out my app's and included my middle initial, which is E.

At that time boot savers were popular with some of the MX crowd for the cool factor, I just liked them because my legs were so skinny that the top of my boots wouldn't seal against my legs and not only dirt but, small rocks got in too. Not very pleasant during a 4 hour desert race.

Anyway, one of my racing buddies say how I was filling out my apps and used to always tease me by saying Dale eeeeeeeeeeeeee covington. Another highly observant racing friend put together the fact that Johnny O'Mara, or the Johnny O show as he was known then, also wore boot savers. It wasn't long before someone put the two together and started calling me the "DaleEO show". Now let me make this perfectly clear, there is no way at any stretch of the imagination that I likened my riding ability to that of Johnny O Mara. The only likeness being maybe that we both kick start our bikes and make them go forward that is where the similarity ends.

However, in my younger years and a greater level of vanity, I did have Dale E O on the back side of my "leathers". Still have'em somewhere. And some of the folks that I only see at the races still call me by that nick name.

Squizz Taylor was a famous aussie gangster in Melbourne in the late 40s. In the airforce over here when i joined in 91 i was given it as a nik as were almost all of the taylors, i just held onto it and still use it to this day. Bit of a pride thing for me
i had issues with my FE 650E ... i needed answers and results .

i entered into husaberg hq and communicated with the berg head honcho , the key man , the top dog , the big cheese .

i said i need you to sort out my hussaberg .... he said you dont call em' hussabergs , you call them WHOSAHBERG.
It's pretty simple. The wife and I have custom plates on the cars. Mine is THORZ (Because I carry a big hammer...NOT! it's just a nickname) Hers is BURN (Because she fell on a campfire in her younger days) Nothing really deep or profound.
The MPM stands for Moy Pocket Mob - our little bunch of dirtbike riding misfits (A mob is usually a group or herd of cattle or sheep).
The Android comes from my name - Andrew, but sounds much cooler.
Taffy explained that they call the French frogs in England because we are supposed to eat frog legs (I actually did once, it was not too bad, tasted like chicken).

But a few years ago when there was a lot of anti-French talk going on in America, mostly on the airwaves, and it was mostly political and I am 100% sure organized by someone working for Karl Rove, or even Rove himself, to challenge the credibility of the opponents of the war you know where.

While this was going on I went around telling out loud I was French when asked where my accent came from, and each time staring the person in the eyes. Funny enough, nobody threw any of that anti-French crap at my face. And all those talks about who is courageous and who is a coward...

Anyway, that nickname appeared at that time. I thought it'd make the blood of the Coolaid drinkers boil over. It did a few times, it was actually cute.
Shonky comes from when we used to play the card game 500 during lunch hours. We developed codewords to inform our partner what we had in our hand. From memory a straight call (say 6 hearts) meant you had the Ace of hearts. Calling "no trumps" informed your partner that you had the highest card; the bird or joker. "Crafty" meant you had either the left or right bower of the called suit. "Shonky" meant you only had king high in the called suit. All players were aware of the codewords and their meanings. Knowing where some key cards were enabled some high calls and slam (winning all 10 tricks) was achieved regularly amid raucous sledging, slander and accusations!! Shonky kind of stuck with me - probably because I hate not calling something - even a lousy king!!
Oh and 13 is just my birthday.
One time this little puke made a crack about my mother and I ......

Actually, as disturbing as it may seem, Coffin is actually my last name. :shock:

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