decompression / starter


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Sep 24, 2019
hi berg friends

i am new to this world and i have a few questions to ask.

i bought this 650 husaberg and it´s a f**king powerhouse i love it.
but it`s also a pain in the a** to kickstart. there is a electric starter but cant crank the engine. not sure which year it´s from but i think its 2001

i know i need some decompression, some of the parts of the decompression system is missing. Qustion 1: how does the decompression work on this model and can i make it start on the electic starter if the decompression works or does it not have anything to do with starting it electrical

the obvious i can see is the mini lever at handelbars is missing and the cabel that runs to the backside of the kickstarter is gone. i dont now if there is needing anything else because i haven´t opened the engine yet. and i don´t know how it works or what to look after inside the engine

looking forward to hear from you GURU´s :D


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Your bike appears to be an 02 model, it has three decompression systems.

(1) Manual on the handlebars.
(2) Kick start activated.
(3) Autodecompression (on the camshaft).

The lever for the manual is missing as you stated. This would mostly be used to position the piston slightly past TDC on the compression stroke for kick starting.

Kick start activated has a cable that runs from the rear of the engine cases to the rocker cover on top of the cylinder head. It looks like the cable is there but has too much slack.

Autodecompression (on the camshaft) is for e-starting and is automatic.

The Autodecompression has almost everything to do with electric starting. The 01-02 ADC did not work very well. Upgrading to a 04-08 Autodecompression Device will improve starting especially when coupled with a 04-08 camshaft.

There are also some other modifications you can do to help improve e-starting on a 02.

Here is the kicker though (pun intended). If you bike was built at the factory as an "early 02" then it has an internal gear tooth profile that produces too much drag on the motor and it will probably never e-start the way it should. Most 01 and early 02 models never e-started. A few members have got theirs to e-start after much modification.

If your motor was built as a late 02 your chances of e-start bliss are greatly enhanced.

The 2001 Work Shop Manual explains how to tell the difference between a 2001 and early 2002 motor vs. a late 2002 motor.
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as Husabutt says.

But email me and we'll get you sorted on all the right parts.

go into my facebook page and look at some videos.


Hi again

Thanks for the quick response. Do you think a new sprauge bearing, the beaffy battery and a r6 1999 electric motor could do the job??? If i also put in an improved auto decompression. :D

And could you Hook me Up with the right/new parts

Let me know if its possible.

PS. I am till a little lost about how the drifferent technics Work. Could you explain how you do Them step by step
Hi again
Thanks for the quick response. Do you think a new sprauge bearing, the beaffy battery and a r6 1999 electric motor could do the job??? If i also put in an improved auto decompression. :D

If you have a late 2002 model the answer is yes.

If you have a 2001 or early 2002 model then no.

Taffy has had some success getting a 2001 and early 2002's to e-start but had to throw every trick in the book at it. It may be more cost effective to just make this bike the best kick start version possible. Jetting kit, dual valve springs kit, 04-08 cam and decomp.
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Okay husabutt

Do you know how to find out if its a late or Early model engine.
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Okay husabutt

Do you know how to find out if its a late or Early model engine.

Your not going to like this one bit. You must completely disassemble the motor.

Here is what it says in the 01-03 Workshop Manual:

" The transmission has been modified with a different tooth profile between 2001 and 2002. The easiest way to determine how an engine is built is to look at the counter balancers drive shaft. The early shaft has a straight surface and the newer has a diameter change between the position for the timing sprocket and the gear drive.

Following gears are not interchangeable between 2001 and 2002/2003.
Counter balancer, balance drive shaft, drive gears on balancer drive shaft and also the outer clutch basket. "

See section 10 Figure 10 o for the comparison between the two.

The counter balancer shaft is also the water pump impeller shaft so it would be nice if you could just pull the clutch side cover and see some kind of difference between the two.

Here is what I might do if I were in your situation:

Take the rocker cover off and make sure the autodecompression device on the cam is not worn and the spring that holds it has good tension. In other words pull the decompression device away from its resting position and make sure that it snaps back nicely when you let it go. If the ADC is just flopping around it is not doing anything and you will need to replace or at least reset the tension spring if it has become unseated. Taffy sells a modified ADC spring that has more tension than stock.

Once you are sure the ADC has good tension adjust the valves perfectly using the one sixth turn method. Fit a new battery, use a genuine Yuasa YTZ7S. Not a Chinese knock off with the same numbers on it. Fully charge the new battery with a good smart charger. If it absolutely stops turning the motor over when it hits the compression stroke you probably have a 01 or early 02. If it starts the bike but runs the battery down after 3-5 starts you probably have a late 02motor. The Sprague may slip so bad it ruins this test. A cheap non-synthetic motor oil may help the Sprague from slipping just for the test.

If you like to gamble take a look at the VIN number. Characters 12-17 is the production sequence. Husaberg made around a 1000 bikes a year. What number is your bike? Was it made at the beginning or near the end of the production run?
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I'd have the rocker cover off and look at the camshaft. if you have a boss poking through the middle of the sprocket you must get this machined down. if the cam is old and scraped then why not save on the machining and get a other cam, the later 08 cam is the usual favourite.


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