Cable routing for turn signals on fe 570 -09


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Sep 21, 2011
Hej! (That's hi on husa native language)
Im trying to reinstall the "dual sport" bits on my newly purcased fe 570 -09
Does enyone know how the turn signal harnesses are supposed to be drawn?

The guy I bought it from has unfortunately removed the wiring harnes and the relay as well as the
turn signals, plateholder, odo and so on...

I've got all the good stuff in a box and the bike soon to be dissasebled in molecules but I can still not find
the connections for the relay and the rear lights. I think I got the front figured but I cant be sure because
I have yet to find where they surface on the rear end...
Hello a good day

If you send me your email I send you the original pictures of the cabel in collar with cabel numbers
its coms out the repair manuel parts number 3803006

Its from EU FE 390/570

I can not uploud this to the forum to big

the conector back is behind the battery a smal 4 pins connector
at the front to smal 2 pins connector gray and black
the blinker is a 2 pins blok (bigger)

for the picture of the cabele look at this site
look at the ertzatsteile

with greets
Ap Duijzer
I just want to put up a big "Thank You" sign for ap here. Thanks to his help via email I managed to backtrack the cables to where the previous owner "deviously" managed to hide them. :bounce3:

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