what really caused the smoking effect was :
"Hi Oyk,
An oval and / or tapered cylinder is considered normal wear. Heavy cylinder damage and / or piston seizure is likely the result of overheating and / or a lack of lubrication."
broken reed valve (who knows for how long)
caused insufficient piston-cylinder lubrication because of the fact that when piston was moving to TDC it could not "suck" oil through the oil filter small hole located on the back+top of the crankshaft chamber.
is my theory solid?
"No." am i wrong?
"A Broken reed valve will over oil the cylinder"
anyway, the result was the cylinder surface to become slightly oval, so rings could not seal well(in fact new rings could not seal at all).
"Lack of a reed valve over oils the cylinder creating excessive smoke and causing the bore to glaze upon which the rings will never seat."
i asked at my dealer for the price of a new cylinder and he said 590e.
is it good idea to have my cylinder electrochemically re-coated?
"yes." (it is obvious that i don't know the right term

) [
actually i send the cylinder today to a specialist here in greece to get it done.
he sais that he has the equipment, he needs 2 weeks of work but i simply think he sends it to italy

(no way he has the equipment)
anyhow, the price is 220e and i get 1 year warranty.
anyone tried it?
"Many times and with positive results in particualrly regarding Husaberg big bore kits".
does anyone has a link to somewhere preferably in europe that performs that kind of work?
Try this link:
Hope this helps.