Bike will not start..........2001 FX470E


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I do not think the KTM flywheel will work. As long as yours is in good condition there really is no need to replace it. Should you eventually require one an extra should not be that hard to find here as some just replace the stator and keep the flywheel as a spare.
Mrk3cobra, Husabutt is right, the flywheel is different but why change the flywheel?

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If you do want to change the flywheel, then buy the SEM stator + flywheel from one of our sponsors. The Husaberg stator comes with the flywheel, that's what I was told.

The 1995 KTM LC4 stator, also from what I was told, does not have the same wiring and you need to use the wires from a dead Husaberg SEM stator, which is why I have been begging for a dead stator, so I can keep my current, dying one, as a backup...

BUT he I read this thread it seems that carbonone did not have to adapt anything...

I guess I will order one of those and see if I need to do anything!
Not sure if it is a problem but my flywheel has brown stuff coming off the inside of my flywheel.
Rust? Post a photo!

I have used lots of WD40 and brake cleaner to clean up my flywheel and stator. Lots of rust and dirt came off this way. Then I wiped extra good and let dry for a couple days with the cover removed.

I dumped the regular "o-ring" type of seal and now use blue liquid gasket, a little bit aroung the edge, to isolate from water.

My guess is that the flywheel does not need to be replaced as often as the stator if it ever needs to be replaced at all.

What do the experts have to say? Taffy?
I think they all kind of flake off that coating on the inside of the flywheel. Mine flakes. As long as the magnets are not loose and it is not cracked it should be fine.
Does anyone know how many KV an SEM stator will produce when new at E start speeds? Distinctly remember Dale stating that the SEM had a tough time making spark at low cranking speeds hence the difficulty E starting. He stated Japanese Kokusun is better but I don't remember any KV figures.
It is to my understanding that water gets into the stator area very easily with the FX470s and that when doing a post ride cleaning, always remove the stator and dry any water from the area (especially if pressure washing). In fact pulling the cover and drying out the area should be a ritual. In fact, a friend of mine with an 02 FX470 has been doing this procedure as long as he has had the bike and has never had a stator problem.
If its not the stator, which seems to be the prevailing wisdom, perhaps there may be some relation to swapping out the slinger, your cam timing, and the fact the bike wont start. I would check to be certain the cam timing is still right.
In case you weren't following Dales other post on SEM's, he had answered my question on Cranking speed KV over there. Stated new is around 25KV so your 14KV was definitely low. Glad to hear all is fixed
dude, I just saw this post,,,If you're still lost in this......Noone mentioned the coil-to-frame junction or motor mount pads. These need to be bare metal for the spark energy travels this path, too. At any rate, you've likely solved this by now, but I'm bored and thought I'd throw in my two-cents. Good Luck. :D

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