Hi do you still have husaberg plastics for sale? Reg TomasMám spoustu dílů 01-08, které zveřejním zde a E bay, až budu mít volno, abych to udělal
Zde jsou nějaké plasty pro můj 01-470 X a můj 04 Super moto za 45 USD plus doprava kamkoli
View attachment 17263
Hi, I still have a set of yellow radiator shrouds w/NStyle graphics on them. MikeHi do you still have husaberg plastics for sale? Reg Tomas
Hi, still available?I have lots of 01-08 parts I will be posting here and E bay as I get time off to do it
Here are some plastic for my 01-470 X and my 04 Super moto asking $45 USD plus shipping to anywhere
View attachment 17263
I have a rod kit I bought for my 08-550 and never used it, brand new $ 275 plus shipping to anywhere
View attachment 17401