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Pretty nice performance if this was his first Baja. From what Berger told me the other two guys were not bergites.

So when do we send a team of Husaberg riders to Baja?
its true we made it :D :D :D :D :D :D :D . supposedly this was the toughest baja course ever. i finished in style wheelieing at the checkered flag and looping the berg sending it air born landing with sparks flying. the video should be on the web soon. the mexicans went crazy at my so called "stunt". iwas sighing tee shirts, posters, note books, etc., having my picture taken with mexican cuties, kids, and of course the tecate hotties. we all hung out at the finish for hours, the energy was incredible. rumor is next years baja 1000 will be 2000+ miles and go from tijuana to cabo. maybe i'll have to solo. well husabergs got tons of exposure. i brought the bike to the awards ceremony and parked it right up front. there were only 7 others there so it got alot of attention. again many more autograph signings for cheeseberger and his team and photos. met DON ROBBINS who ironmanned on a husky but also ironmanned on a fe600 in 2004 and finished despite crashing 30 miles from the finish and loosing part of his finger. my buddy from gunnison co also finished iron man.
the 650 ran flawlessly. no flats only changed 1 rear tire. only problem was a connection came loose on the battery or something on jeffs nite section and the lite went ont and he nearly got run over by a trophy truck. he had to throw the bike in a ditch right next to a big drop off to avoid being killed. someone radioed weatherman that he was out of the race and we heard it over the radio and about sh*t. it took us 3+ hours of radio calls and driving hours up and down the course to finally find him a ok. an ironman on a xr650l found him and rode with him 40+miles, jeff had no lite, to the next pit where a young kid at baja pits noticed the loose wire. back in business. we lost 3+ hours here. i got on the bike at mile 724 north of loretto at about 7am not having slept a wink since 5am the day before. my section was the toughest. didn't get passed by a bike or quad my whole section and passed about a dozen. also past numerous trophy trucks, vws, and buggies stuck in the huge silt beds. stopped and helped a mexican guy on a quad get unstuck. had a ton of water on my section too. the worst part of my whole ride was that my feet were soaked almost the whole ride and felt like they were on a cheesegrater the whole ride. also i went down in the 2nd hour of my section on a rocky hillclimb and thought i chipped my elbow. the jarring of the rocks really hurt but didn`t stop me. next race i will pack extra socks and take the time to change them. i would take the time to eat and drink more too. over all an incredible experience. could do with out the ******* truck and car drivers that feel the need to almost take you out to get by instead of giving us the respect and time to get out of their way. most were courteous. one ironman over 40 had a great comment on stage receiving his award and broadcasting his anger towards black trophy truck number 3 over the mic to thousands. he said he finished the race despite a full contact pass that took him out and that he would be happy to buff out the scratch he put in the trophy truck as long as the driver was there to receive his well deserved MARINE beating. this guy was like 6`4" and yoked and an ex marine. the crowd went wild with cheers. i could give a few beatings of my own to some of those fat rich aholes that almost took me out. sorry, enough negativity. well i`m off to surf for a few weeks? hope everyone is well. looking forward to moab. Hey HUSABERG where can i pick up my new bike?
:D great job, colby! i can see your grandchildren rolling their eyes when you tell that story for the 100th time :lol: . how 'bout a "clip of your flip" for the site?

Great job Mr. Colbycheeseburger! We're all proud of your accomplishment. Hope the surf is big and you're relaxing between waves after a terrific ride.

i'm at some gringo outpost near the tip of baja with a friend from seattle and some wonderful new friends. just sat next to jesse the body VENTURA and had a huge sundae. back to camp on the beach, surf tomorrow. been riding the snot out of the 650 and 550. been on some sick rides seen gemstones, unicorns, leprachauns and rainbows. met jesus while lost in the desert somewhere looking for gas. the 550 has 190hours and 4900miles
Congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment, i am truly envious of you! I am sure you represented yourself well and hope to hear more of your memories over a cold one around a camp fire someday. Hats off to you cheeseberger!! :thumbup:

Way To Go!


Given the the odds what you and your team accomplished is nothing short of miraculous.

For what it may be worth:
"You have my greatest respect"

thank you dale
surfed, let me rephrase that, tried to surf 10 footers today and got pummeled. the loretto to la paz race is going on as i write this. it came right by my camp at punta conejo this morning. i'm taking the ferry to the mainland for more surf tomorrow. putting the bergs in storage outside la paz for a few months. ran part of the course on the 650 yesterday and slammed a rock at high speed and nearly got bucked off. broke a spoke and flattened the slimmed 4mm tube with 19psi in it OUCH
hope everyone is well
cant wait for moab

The likes of BERGER and YOU are what make this site special.
Once again, "Great Job!"
TV coverage of this years baja 1000 is on as I type. NBC I think.
just wanted to give you the acolades you deserve ..i am extremly proud of what you guys did .i was at cocos corner pitting several other bikes and i saw the rider come thru and was really happy to see you doing well...the ktm team i was with did very well .we finished thirteenth bike overall fifth in class 22...will i see you at the 500..we will be there with at least four bikes.we could help each other with pits and such..we will be camping at trinadad with about three motorhomes ....GREAT RIDE AND I COULDNT BE PROUDER..............TIM
thanx for everything tim. i will get your stuff back to you, maybe not for a while as i am in michoacan mexico surfing. will head back to baja in feb to get the bikes and maybe do some more riding.
anyone coming to baja to ride in feb?
hope everyone is well
Glad to hear you are safely back Stateside Colby, I was begining to think we might start a new game of "Where's Colby?" much more interesting than looking for Waldo. Look forward to meeting up in Moab


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