2010 FE570 No Start


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Oct 8, 2017
Ontario, CAN
New to husbergs, looking for some wisdom about a no start issue I've been having.

The bike is a 2010 FE570. I bought the bike with 88 hours on it 3150km, started an ran fine when I went to look at it and during the test ride I took. My first day of ownership, I was riding in city traffic to go get a safety completed, about 20 minutes into the ride I turned the bike off to look at directions. I couldn't get the bike to start again. It sounded as the motor couldn't complete a full stroke as if the battery or the autodecomp wasn't working.

I got the bike home, went out and bought a new battery since I knew the previous owner didn't ride the bike often. Installed the new battery and it started right up. The next day I rode the bike to work (10-15 minute ride). At the end of the workday, it wouldn't start again. Luckily, I packed my battery tender an was able to charge the battery fully and get it to go again. I rode it home (10-15 minute ride) turned the bike off and again it didn't want to start.

So I've spent the past week scouring this forum for possible solutions with no results yet. So far I have looked at the following.

-New battery, charges to about 13.5v, drops to about 12.5 when the fuel pump primes. drops to 8v when the starter trying to turn over the motor. (that doesn't seem right to me, shouldn't it be above 10v?)
-Inspected the oil and did a full change...all was good nothing to report
-Valve Check... IN and EX in spec.
-If I spray some carb cleaner in the intake, it starts right up and keeps running till turned off.
- I've played with the idle adjustment, slowing down seemed to help the motor crank more freely, but no start.
- If using the "choke knob" on the TB, it doesn't seem to have any effect.
- I have a new fuel pump coming because I originally thought it was only a hot-start issue, min seems to work fine but it seems to be good insurance to have an extra one handy for these bikes.

I'm going to try testing a lithium-ion battery with more CCA than the stock yuasa, maybe I just got an another dead one off the shelf? (wishful thinking)

I don't think the cam is the issue if you watch the video I took below it just seems the starter doesn't have enough power to get over the auto decomp "bump". it seems weird to me this starting problem would only pop up now if it was the cam.


Maybe the torque limiter? it seems to be a common culprit on these bikes?

I'm looking for some wisdom and or experience, I don't want to be replacing expensive components and have it be something simple I'm overlooking. It seems like these bike like to have difficulty starting, but once it gets sorted they are the best things on 2 wheels.

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