Bike has 79.8 hours. It fell on left side whilst working out it. Punctured the clutch cover. It was replaced along with clutch basket. There was a lot of metal in oil, so I changed it about a dozen times with hopes it would be ok. Rode it for about 15 hours total after the event. Ran great. Last week I fired it up and within 45 seconds of riding it, it emitted a large plume of white smoke and stopped running. It's also dribbling oil out the exhaust silencer. Now the motor is seized (kickstart won't budge). I'm not skilled near enough to figure it out or correct. I'm in Reno, Nevada and not many Husaberg experts (if any) in this area.
So, I'm thinking of parting ways with it as it sits and thought I'd throw it up here for consideration. Not sure what it's worth it its current state. Open to offers. Or, suggestions on Husaberg technician in my area to fix. (I'll be keeping the Scott stabilizer.)
So, I'm thinking of parting ways with it as it sits and thought I'd throw it up here for consideration. Not sure what it's worth it its current state. Open to offers. Or, suggestions on Husaberg technician in my area to fix. (I'll be keeping the Scott stabilizer.)