2002 501 won't start now.


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Mar 6, 2008
USA Alabama
I just got this bike used and the dealer cleaned the carb because it sat for a couple of months. I watched them do this and reinstalled it and the bike fired up after adding fresh gas. It took about 10 to 15 kicks to get it going . I took it home and it would start after 3-4 kicks . I rode it off and on around the house for a few miles and numerous starts an no problems starting the bike while at home .
So on Sunday I decide to take it to the woods to ride at my favorite spot. 45 minute drive to get there . kicked it all day and never even got to ride it once.

Here is what it does " after a few kicks it almost fires up but just kind of turns over but you can tell by the exhaust smell it did fire " If i give it a little gas it will some times fire off but just for a few RPMs then dies out. I tried every combination of starting I could think of but nothing works. My battery is dead so I have not tried the electric start but from reading here it is usless anyway when cold.
I just don't understand why it ran fine the first 3 days I had it then load it up and drive 45 minutes and will not start for nothing . I just rode the bike pretty easy for a few days and turned it off just like I had 5-6 times a day just taking 20-30 minute little rides around the house then the next day "NOTHING" PLEASE HELP . I checked the spark/ fuel etc. It ran fine one day but not the next. ?????
How about some history on the bike and some info on yourself. How many hours on the bike, does it look well maintained etc.. Where are you located, what is the altitude and ambient temp? What is the starting procedure you are using?

Have you downloaded and read the "hard start guide" in the downloads section?

the journey means that the fuel that was left in the lines found it's way into the carb. this will have altered the starting style perhaps from what you had already leant. for instance i recognise your symptoms and would say straight away that the choke should have come off after 3-4 kicks and you tried have tried it that way for 3-4 kicks and then vice-versa.....

i suggest immediately a nippon IXU24 plug. they make a big difference.

so next time try w/ choke then some w/o. ok?


When starting cold use the choke and don't give it any throttle. None. Zippo. If you can't stop yourself from twisting the throttle just a little everytime you kick it then hold onto the bar but not the throttle.

If the valves are too tight it will not kick start either when cold.
I agree with Taffy and Husabutt whole-heartedly!

Give it no throttle at all.

With choke on, kick it through 3-6 times. This basically primes the cylinder with fuel. With choke off, give it a full kick and hopefully it'll start. When I had an 02' 501, it rarely started with the choke. (choke circuit is too rich) When kicking, always let the lever come up to the top till you hear it click.

Another issue with Dellorto carbed bikes is a sticky float valve which will actually keep gas from entering the float bowl. To check if the float valve is operating properly simply turn on the fuel at the tank, then lean the bike way over on its side for about 10 seconds. Put the bike upright and check to see if fuel is dripping from the float bowl tubes. If you see drips, that's a good thing! If you don't see drips, (you're not getting fuel), hit the float bowl with a rubber mallet to release the float valve and do the "lean-over" check again. Another way to check the float valve is to simply un-bolt the float bowl and turn on the gas. If gas isn't flowing, the float valve is stuck.

The float valve can work properly for a good day of riding then stick the very next day. Once unstuck it'll be fine for the whole ride. Just a Dellorto quirk.

Change the plug and see what happens. I spent 2 hrs driving out to a riding park and never got it fired up. I went home changed the plug and it fired first kick. Sources here tell me I kept the choke on too long and fouled the plug.
Just got the valves adjusted . Started on the 3rd kick , ran fine at the shop then got it home and ran it around the house for a mile or so then, to the woods here it died and ha to be towed back . I kicked my a%^ off and never started even after waiting 30 minutes for it to cool down too. I realy need to get it going. This is my 3rd tyr at a 4 stroke and all past experiences have been the same. I realy want this go around to work out with a 4 strokebut it is not looking too promising . At this point I am glad I kept the KTM 300EXC!!!
I still think a good carb cleaning is in order. Get a welding torch tip cleaner to poke through and clean out the jets. Some 2002's were missing the emulsion tube/CDI jet under the pilot jet which causes hard starting. Take a look at these threads:



Use a fresh spark plug too.

The idle speed and the fuel screw settings will have a significant of effect on starting.

Don't give up you are getting there :)l
Taffy said:
i suggest immediately a nippon IXU24 plug. they make a big difference.

i can hear an echo around here, here, here, here.

if it didn't start when hot it's because it's rich at idle/tickover. try and adjust the fuel screw on the side of the carb.

also i would consider looking at the carburation part of the doc. down at the bottom is a lot of stuff on the dell orto carb.

one of the fiirst things it says is that the carb WEARS!!!! you need a new needle and emulsion tube. hell they may even sell carb parts and a plug then you might get the message!


This is my 3rd tyr at a 4 stroke and all past experiences have been the same.

There may be a clue here.
501 hard start

I had the valves checked again and gave it another try and NOTHING. I will take the carb apart tomorrow and clean it again. Seriously do these bikes run regularly because there are quite a few in for repair and the techs never give me a strait answer when I asked about these Bergs being reliable. When I ask about the KTM it is all praises but they get quiet when someone mentions the Husaberg reliability around them.
I hope the carb is the problem. I will be picking up a IXU24 plug and try that as well. Man I sure want to ride this bike . I have had it a week and have put 18 miles on it and have probably kicked it 30 miles and worked on it for hours trying to figure it out. I am a patient person but my patience is wearing.
RE: 501 hard start

i had major trouble with my berg just like you ,the bike would start if i left it over night but would never restart after being run , and previous to this it always cracked up easily and the needle and emulsion tube were worn out!, i even broke a kickstart in half trying to start it, i tried a flywheel, a stator, a coil, a carb, valve timing and adjustment.......nothing not a thing just a backfire every now and then.

anyhow it turns out the problem was a brand new duff spark plug,
i kept telling my self "nah it can't be the plug it's brand new"

i was ready to beat it with a hammer .then i tried another new plug
it cracked up first kick and apart from a new conrod and bearings its still running fine and it's still on the same plug.


Advice from a 501 kicker!

I have 501 -99 with Dellorto and it was hard to start.
I changed the pilotjet from 35 to 45, the startjet from 45 to 52.
Mixturescrew not open at all!
Needle at clip 2 from bottom.
NGK C8E spark

Starting cold in 5-8 kicks, warm in one or two, cold means around 0 celcius
Cold i lean it over to left (fotrest on the ground) for about 10 sec to give it more petrol. and then make 3-4 lazy soft kicks with full open throttle, then i close the throttle and find the startingpoint and it starts often i a couple of kicks.
Warm sometimes when it died on the track (when i crashed) i have to lean it over to left and then open throttle 3-4 soft kicks and close the throttle och find the startingpoint and kick wroooom!
I know how it feels kicking and kicking that big thumper!
I have a very strong leftleg and i learned to not be angry beacuse it steals enery from the kicking ;-))
Hope this will help you!
RE: Advice from a 501 kicker!

I have a 45 pilot in it but not sure on the start jet. I put the needle on 2nd from the top and tried that and 50-60 kicks later "nothing " . I will try your setting next. So you ran the air mixture screw all the way in . I have mine 1-2 turns out right now. I will try that.
I worked on cleaning the carb and kicking this thing for 4 hours yesterday . Back to it again today. Man this is getting old.

Change the needle and the needlejet if they are old and worn, they are very important too.
Look even at the back of the carb, where the airfiltertube is connected, there is two insexscrews dismantel the aluminium ring and clean with airpressure all the holes there.
Good luck.
RE: Forgot

I did that yesterday. Removed it used air and carb cleaner . I think I will take it all apart for the 4th time and blow all holes again and try that again. When I remove the main just that the needle goue down in it is a 185 is there anything under the nut that the MJ screws into. There is a flat piece of brass with holes in it that is held by a nut maybe that needs cleaning.
'98 fc501, Original Dellorto PHM40ZS
I am at sea level, ride to 1800 feet, no changes.
Slide - Original, marked "40" and "H"
Main jet - 172
Needle jet - 270D2
Needle - K51, 3rd. position
Pilot jet - 35
Start jet - 45
Floatneedle/jet - 300
Idle screw - 4 3/4 to 5 1/16 turn, idles @ 1525 to 1570 rpm.
Mixture screw - 1 7/8 turn +/-
Cold start, down to -10 C., choke on, no throttle - 2 or 3 kicks.
Warm to hot start, no choke, no throttle - 1 or 2 kicks.
Bike very hard to start when son-in-law dropped it in my front yard, sometimes wouldn't (He bought a KTM 520EXC). Had original factory jetting. I'm familiar with Holley, Carter, and Rochester carbs from the late '50s thru mid-'60s,and old Brit-bike Amal carbs and attendant jetting problems (rode Nortons and Triumphs "back then"),so I just rejetted it. Bike is a jewel, can even start it standing beside it and kicking.
It is fairly sensitive to valve adjustment, more-so to auto-decomp adjustment. Have mis-adjusted the latter a couple of times :oops: - VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!
Hope ya get it straightened out!
On the needle is that 3rd position from the top or the bottom. I get confused on that
Re: RE: Forgot


Just check your spark performance, plug and cap removed, it should pull a spark from the end of the lead to earth 10mm on a normal kick if not suspect stator.


I will check that next. I am also on my 3rd new plug. I can not find a Nippendenso IXU24 so I used a DPRS8E or something like thaat I don't have the ## in front of me but it is close to that.

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