09 Fe570 weird pop and chain snapping feeling


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Mar 11, 2017
Hi fellow Berg riders,

I recently picked up a 2009 Fe570 which is fully converted to sm.
She has excel wheels and full Beringen 6 pots brake set up.
Got my plate yesterday and naturally i've been riding a while +-180km over 2 days.
But now I've encountered some issues :(

1. She pulls great in gears 1-3 and then 4-6 are quite strange (gear 4 doesn't have it as often as 5 and 6).
When I'm going in the higher rev range in those gears it sometimes feels like the power isn't delivered even tho my rpms are rising. It feels like a stuttering for only a brief 2 seconds.

Can anyone relate and so what causes it?

Later when i pulled away from a red light and reached 100kph in 6th gear it all off a sudden felt like I snapped my chain, loosing momentum all off a sudden and increase in rpm (snapped a chain while riding an xt660x and the feeling is quite the same).

I immediately pulled in the clutch and went up right in order to avoid a highside should my wheel block and so I drifted to the edge of the corner. When everything was under control I looked over at my chain and it was still on, I also had a feeling like the engine died when i pulled in the clutch, but when I twisted the throttle to check it she was still running.
The chain and sprockets are quite new +-300km (previous owner only rode for about 100+km with the new ones before he sold her to me).

What can cause this?

I also read somewhere that the 09's had an issue with sprocket bolts coming loose but this can't be my problem I think.
Edit: I did check the sprockets again and the marking signs on the front driveshaft sprocket (small one) don't match anymore, could this be a part of the issue?

2. When riding behind my dad and slowing down for a turn i suddenly heard one loud sound which I can only describe as 'Pop!!!' and then the engine died.
She did start back up right away though. It almost felt as if the popping sound came through the airfilter (how weird it may sound, but it was really up close in my face, figure of speech) What could this have been?

I know a single cilinder can stall easily when in low rpms but i've never heard this popping sound. The xt660x which i still ride occasionally is known to stall often and I've never heard anything close to this sound when stalling the xtx (usually stalls with clutch engaged) Also the xtx is near 40.000km.

3. When idling I can hear some rattling/ticking near the head, is it time to check valves? or is it the cam tensioner?

Sorry to bombard you guys with all these questions, but since I only recently got her it would destroy me if I would break her right away...
Kind regards from Belgium
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Hope this isn't it but take off the bolt that holes the front sprocket and remove it look at the shaft it maybe striped. Hope not.

I don't have the tools at home sadly, she is going to the dealer next week to get a full service and renew some parts, I will ask them to look at it.
But if that part is striped then what is the issue?
Thanks in advance :)
They generally rattle at idle, so that sound is normal. And you will hear all sounds from the intake much more now as it is directed straight up at your face.

Oh, so that popping sound isn't really something to worry about then?
I never had such a 'pure' supermoto so it's all kind of new to me :)
Previous owner also told me that I shouldn't check the valves untill I heard them tick, what's your opinion on it?

To resolve issue number 2 (pop) try increasing the idle rpm's.

Did you have this happen to you too?
Any idea by how much? 100rpm

(I'm not much of a tech head :D )
Well, I havent heard it myself so who knows. But they do have that sound. Maybe ask someone who is familiar to modern ktm/husaberg to be sure.

You can check the valves but they are most probably perfect.
If You have cush rear wheel then your chances of stripping the counter shaft is real low. If it is stripped you'll have to split the cases to get it. Not devastating but work and money. But for Supermoto hard street riding You should have cush rear wheel! Good luck and I hope I'm wrong as could be.
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It also sounds like the clutch may be slipping. "Losing power in the upper gears, etc"
Well, I havent heard it myself so who knows. But they do have that sound. Maybe ask someone who is familiar to modern ktm/husaberg to be sure.

You can check the valves but they are most probably perfect.

It's not always that I hear it so I think you'r right :)
She only has 4000km but I guess the previous owner did some offroading without the speedometer attached and thus some kilometers are not recorded.
If You have cush rear wheel then your chances of stripping the counter shaft is real low. If it is stripped you'll have to split the cases to get it. Not devastating but work and money. But for Supermoto hard street riding You should have cush rear wheel! Good luck and I hope I'm wrong as could be.

Can you give me an estimate at the cost of it?
I know that the xt660x has rubber 'blocks' in the backwheel at the sprocket on the inside. No idea if my Husaberg has these in the excell wheels. I'll check it later on.
Kind regards
It also sounds like the clutch may be slipping. "Losing power in the upper gears, etc"

Yea, you are most likely right, have this weird feeling when disengaging the clutch sometimes. What will the replacement cost?
I'm not to keen on fiddling with the engine myself, I rather have a prof mecanic look at it.
Work other then the engine I do gladly but I just don't trust myself enough to fiddle with it :D
Kind regards
One guy over here that are ice racing with a tuned 570 changed out the springs in the clutch to some similar size ducati. It's easy to work on the clutch. Just flip the bike on the side and open up the clutch cover.

I'll try to get some info from him what type of springs he used. If not get a suter clutch or similar?
One guy over here that are ice racing with a tuned 570 changed out the springs in the clutch to some similar size ducati. It's easy to work on the clutch. Just flip the bike on the side and open up the clutch cover.

I'll try to get some info from him what type of springs he used. If not get a suter clutch or similar?

Took her to the shop today and explained everything to the master mechanic and he will take her for a test ride.

He suspects the problems coming from my gears, they dont stay locked in 5th and 6th and thus give the stuttering feel because the previous owner has probably lied about only riding her at the track once. He often sees this problems with the mx motorcycles.

A test drive should point out what the issue is.

Thanks, would love to know what springs he used :)

Kind regards
Here's a cush hub from a FS650
cost used can be from $500.00 to $1700.00 new

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Damn that's money I don't have sadly.

I'm also spending a ton on my Golf Mk1... Engine got seized :furious:
The costs are already nearing 3000€... And to make things worse I have to cough up another 100€ because my fuel and temp gauge all off a sudden fried when they put my dash back in.

It's not my year I guess...

Took the Berg to the shop today to give her a full maintenance and the master mechanic is going to take a test drive to be sure what the issue is.

Thanks for all the info in the mean time :happy:

Kind regards
If you don't have a cush rear wheel it's not that bad just don't hit throttle hard. Easy is best till someday in the future you find one........ off road not needed.

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