... Itemid=132
Dear All,
With respect to the query concerning the 2009's mono ability, I would like to quote the following excerpt from a recent review of both the 450 and 570 (the site address is given above). The writer is a Swedish journalist which I have quoted below, followed by my quick translation:
Motorns gyrokrafter lyfter inte framhjulet vid påslag som brukligt, det gör att det blir mycket lättare att hålla spår ut ur böjarna och därmed kunna köra fortare, sa Jens Elmwall till mig i samband med presentationen av den nya motorn.
''The engine's gyroscopic forces do not lift the front wheel on acceleration as usual [i.e. is in the 'normal' motor configuration – translator's note], the result of this is that it is much easier to keep your line on exiting curves and with this the rider can ride faster, said Jens Elmwall to me during the presentation of the new engine.''
Please note that Jens Elmwall is the 'inventor' of the 70 degree configuration of the 2009 motors – so one might think that he knows what he is talking about.
Another point of interest, taken from the same review, is the following statement:
Faktum är att jag inte kan minnas att jag kört en motorcykel med så pass välanpassat system för bränsleinsprutningen någonsin tidigare. Och det som imponerar stort på mig är att det är hos en encylindrig motor hos en potent tävlingsmaskin. När jag talar med Jens Elmwall får jag klart för mig att Husaberg har fler ess i skjortärmen. Vad dessa är blir vi nog varse inom en snar framtid.
''The fact is that I can not remember riding any other motorbike with such a well-suited EFI system. And what is also impressive is that it is on a single cylinder motor which is part of such a potent competition machine. When I spoke with Jens Elmwall, I was informed that Husaberg has more aces up its sleeve. What these might be we will see in the near future.''
What is this new 'ACE'? My interest is piqued. Is yours?