1 Year...100Hours. The Story


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Aug 15, 2009
Bruthen,Vic. OZ
Apologies for not having told my story earlier as promised. Life has been very hectic over the last few weeks.

Anyway here it is.
On the 17th of November last year I proudly took delivery of a 2010 FE450 from the good people at Bairnsdale KTM. I had originally wanted to be the first to get a 09 FE450 a year earlier, but circumstances prevented me from doing so. I was also very close to purchasing their FE450 demo bike around Easter, but that too fell through. During this time I was also considering changing my order to the FE370. But having a year on my FE450 I am very glad I stuck to my original decision.

This was to be my first brand new bike in almost thirty years and I was very excited as I opened the crate to get the bike ready for the pre-delivery checks and to have some protection fitted. I had Bairnsdale KTM fit some quality components from BB Offroad (http://www.bboffroad.com.au) I had their radiator guards, case saver and exhaust shield fitted. I also had a set of blue and white Barkbuster handguards fitted as well as the map switch . The bike looked very sharp as I wheeled it out of the door and into the back of a mate's trailer.

Twenty minutes later we were back at his place and ready to go for a short familiarisation ride. I was very impressed straight away with the light feeling of the handling and the superb balance. This was always going to be the case as I normally ride a KTM 640 Adventure. I was also impressed with the very smooth power delivery of the engine. I took the next couple of rides fairly easy as I was just getting used to a brand new bike. I was very impressed with the way the bike manoeuvred around obstacles, compared to the 640 the 450 just seemed to go where I looked. Brilliant!! Sometime during the first week I swapped my Pivot Pegz from the 640 and had a set of softer had grips fitted. I also fitted some bar risers - I have a dodgy lower back and I prefer a more upright riding position.

At the first service, I had Bairnsdale KTM fit a set of frame guards (none in stock at the time of purchase). Now I was ready to get a bit more serious with my riding!! I was very aware that while this bike was very easy to ride, I could easily get myself into a whole lot of trouble very quickly due to my lack of skill. On the 3rd December last year, my worst fears came true.

Long story short ..going down a gnarly and rutted hill I let the bike get away from me. I was in over my head and I tried to ride my way out of trouble. At first I was pleased the way I was handling this situation - I stayed relaxed and calm and did not panic. The bike was handling the conditions beautifully and for a short time I thought I was going to come out of this just fine!! Unfortunately there was a tree across the track and due to me not looking far enough ahead I only saw the tree at the very last moment. I cartwheeled over the tree and had the bike slam into the back of me. My mate thought I was going to be very badly hurt. At first I thought I had broken my right thumb - it hurt that bad. I also knew I had taken a massive hit to the back of my left thigh. After a short while I figured if we get out of here soon I just might be able to ride slowly home. Trying to start the bike was a small problem, as dirt had been pushed into the switch block. After quickly dismantling the switch gear and cleaning out all the dirt we were able to start the bike and slowly make our way home. Over the next few days I had some great colours appear from the back of my left knee to my buttocks and I found walking somewhat difficult. Even now, a year on, I still find it uncomfortable to sit for more than a half hour while driving the wife's car.

Overall I was very impressed with the way the bike came out of the crash. My first thoughts were that I have wrecked my new bike or at least have major damage to the frame and forks. After cleaning all the dust and dirt off the bike, only the rear mud guard had some scratches on it. I had to reposition my switch gear on the bars and replace the headlight switch on the left side. A few weeks after the crash, while I was servicing the bike I noticed a ding in the exhaust pipe near the clutch cover. The sub frame had flexed that much during the impact with my thigh that the exhaust pipe had come into contact with the engine!!

It only took a couple of rides for me to regain my confidence again and start to work on improving my skills. I am the first to admit that I ride like a gumby and I have a long way to go ( I wish my skills match my enthusiasm for bike riding!!). Over the last few months I really feel like I have moved up a couple of rungs on the ladder. My riding is now starting to flow more often and I am not tentative as I used to be. I still am amazed sometimes just how easily the bike climbs snotty, gnarly hills. All I have to do is stay relaxed and keep the power on. I have never bogged this bike on a hill and rarely use the clutch to maintain forward progress.

Earlier this year I purchase a Rekluse clutch. I had heard great things about them and it would make trail riding easier (particularly for people of little skill). I haven't fitted it yet and I am still debating weather I really need to. I find the the bike just so tractable and easy to ride up steep hills that I just don't think I will gain that much.

I service the bike regularly.. after every couple of rides. Nothing at all has gone wrong during the last year. I am very impressed with the ease of cleaning. All I do these days is fill the tank with GO fuel and enjoy a good days riding. I recently purchased a Safari front tank and that will be installed over the Christmas period. I also recently converted the headlight to a H4 bulb to improve the lighting. Hope to go for a night ride over the Xmas break. The only other mods I have done to the bike is have the Pro-fill fuel filters fitted and a set of fork bleeders fitted.

I am very, very happy with my FE450 and want to keep it for a long time. At the time of writing I now have 101.5 hours and 4,158ks on the bike. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I must make a correction to the above story. I did have one small problem.

I was out riding near home on the 9th May. I was riding down a little used and somewhat over grown track when I came a cross a tree blocking the way. I stopped and got off the bike to assess the situation. The tree was too big to go over and there was no way I could get around it. No problem.. I'll just go back the way I came.

PROBLEM!!! The bike would not start - it was dead as a door nail!! Although I was only around 13ks from home at this point, it was still going to be a long walk home in the Sidis in the warm sun to get the trailer. Also since I was just going out for a very quick blat I had left my backpack at home (with all my tools) all I had in my pocket was a cheap replica Leatherman tool from a local hardware store (free gift).

I lifted my seat in what I thought was going to be a vain attempt at restarting the bike. I checked all my fuses first. All OK!! Damn!! Wriggled the battery terminals - more out of desperation than anything else. Lo and behold, what's this. Both battery terminals were loose!! Tightened them both up with my cheap Leatherman replica tool and I was on my way.

Got home and immediately put some Loctite on the battery terminal nuts. Since then, I always carry my backpack, even when I am going out for just a quick blat. The bike has run perfectly ever since.

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