The thing is, I'm holding my berg in garage at the moment, have been there several weeks now, the weather is 0 to 5 degrees C, in garage same. Anyways, it did start a week ago, installed a new start jet and it started great with choke ON. gave it some Revs, and now, this weekend, it didn't start, checked if plug had a spark, it didn't.
Is it almost clear that the SEM ignition is faulty? Is there any ways to check that does the stator give any voltage or not, any instruments or something ? Also I don't want to believe the sparkplug is faulty, as these iridium things should be pretty bulletproof ...
Is it almost clear that the SEM ignition is faulty? Is there any ways to check that does the stator give any voltage or not, any instruments or something ? Also I don't want to believe the sparkplug is faulty, as these iridium things should be pretty bulletproof ...