Cam chain weights


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Jun 13, 2007
south east WA Australia
OK im all for getting along and if nobody is "allowed" to write 4 pages of abuse in my direction every week anymore it should not be a problem

now there is a bit of a numerical anomaly that may be of interest to some people

my DID cam chain weight 255gm (OEM)

my IWIS can chain weight 272gm

from here ... 3a86defb75

IWIS Cam Chain

This is the best cam chain bar none! It is 15-30% lighter than other camchains and lasts longer as well as being 30% stronger. It's German you see! After some stretchy ones, then one year if the IWIS, Husaberg then went and "DID" something silly!

now I don't have an "other cam chains" to compare to but i don't see how one could be 30% heavier without being a totally different width and I don't see how you can remove 30% of the steel from a cam chain and INCREASE its strength by 30%.. different material can contribute to yeild strength but within the realms of practical metallurgy of a material chosen for camchains not by 60%

me and plenty of other people have been buying the iwis camchains thinking they were lighter and stronger. so are we being fooled again like we were with the valve springs?

can we have some civil discussion and clarifiation on these weights/strengths ... what is an "others camchain" and how heavy is it Taffy Please?
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here is a pic i took a few years back that shows the chains next to each other and the differences in overall width.
[attachment=0:180qouqm]berg chain widths.JPG[/attachment:180qouqm]
i believe the one in front is a regina, middle iwis, and rear did.


  • berg chain widths.JPG
    berg chain widths.JPG
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Years back when I replaced the cam chain on my 2000 FE501(best bike I have owned, my FE570 is very close just a little heavier!) I replaced cam chain with a Regina the reason, it had solid rollers ( not the split rollers I see in these pictures) and thin side links for light weight was a very high quality chain.
nice pic ned

I still don't see 30% more metal in the regina. The inner plates are thicker but that could only be about a 10-12% increase in total weight

maybe someone can weigh a Regina cam chain and give a link count for it ?

Haskell yes I too heard good things about Regina chains and I think in general they receive a bad rap on this site but perhaps it is not all that deserved on closer inspection.
I have a old regina black link cam chain, its an 80 Iink i think?? out of my 97 600... Im pretty sure they used two different cam chains by regina, not sure if this is what your after......ill weigh it if you want
sure bergini that would be interesting

although they are a bit hard to get hold of now....... unless you go out of your way to track down an old H number chain or get one from Regina direct... I think its very unlikely anyone would bother

given that the 2 readily available part numbers are for the IWIS (2004) and the DID (current) and the IWIS is available on ebay they are the 2 options people are comparing.

more info in general viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1089

and M racing has the IWIS cheaper than anywhere else ... 5651d4d080 ... 7675.l2563
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The original cam chain (at this moment a DID) costs for me 23,00€ and the riveting tool 245,00€. Taffy sells his for about 50,00€ with a normal open split link. This one is easier to change or split (especially in the paddock during races, sidecar MX).
Off course you can invite your buddy to give a hand in the workshop by holding a hammer as a contra weight but that means less work done and a box of beer gone :wink:

But the claim of the differences in weight is a nice one with so little metal to start with :twisted: I'm working in the IT and see a lot of those kind of claims made by suppliers and manufacturers.

Ha ! used cam chains that's a crack up, you wouldn't think they would bother listing them

30% more loved than "other cam chains"

seriously though M racing has had new ones for sale

the IWIS 650 chain as a new berg part is $$44.99 and the DID chain is $20.07 rivet links 2.82, i use one hand to hold the weight and the other to hold the hammer... not difficult

the iwis is a good chain no disputing that and split links are very nice BUT ..... that alone is enough to sell a camchain.. no need for exaggerated claims

the claims made about weights and strength are so ambiguous ... "15-30% " its leaving a big grey area... not surprising really like you say we have all seen this before :?
Hello, I would like to ask something off topic.
I read in the first post that '' we have been fooled with the valve springs".
So what is wrong? Can I read somewhere about that? I was ready to order some dual tomorrow.

ebay listing has changed..

It is 15% lighter than industrial chain such as the type '3M'. The camchain will last longer as well as being 30% stronger.

so technically its now only claimed to be lighter and stronger than a chain nobody should ever put in a motorcycle

the title of the listing however is still misleading

stronger and lighter than standard
as a title read in its own context this implies it is stronger and lighter than your standard DID OEM chain ... not true

besides the weight claim being false, in my experience the DID chain has been just as good as the IWIS others also

birdwoodburg said:
Have tried both cam chain no different in my opinion but the DiD is half the price. Good luck.
I had my stock (07 650) did camchain out to replace it for a iwis and it's true the did is lighter (weighed them back then but don't remember the exact weight differences. )
But I do believe the iwis is stronger/slower stretching the did stretched a lot in 200 hours of use...
Can anyone explain me the advantage of the weight diffrence can you even feel the difference in weight riding or not? (not trolling) I seriously have no idea :mrgreen:

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