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  1. T

    For Sale Wolfman Escape Pak CLOSEOUT

    I have no connection to this business, but just happened to find these Wolfman packs on closeout and thought I would pass along! I bought one today. Good luck. Wolfman Escape Pak
  2. T

    Wolfman Wolfy Escape Pak SALE

    Wolfman Escape PakI found this sale on cyclebuy. It's an expensive backpack, retails for $175. On closeout now for $129. Not sure how many they have. Good luck. Wolfman Escape Pak
  3. H

    Fe570 Wolfman luggage

    I'm going on a 3 day ride in Arkansas in early October and needed to find some bags as I had nothing. I looked at a number of different bags/luggage options and struggled with spending the $$. I was hoping to find a cheap(er) solution, but unfortunately these Bergs don't have any real...
  4. husabutt

    Wolfman Enduro Saddle Bags

    http://www.wolfmanluggage.com/Enduro/enduro_saddle_bags.html Ordered a set today. Has anyone tried mounting these to a 2004-2008 model? Any tips?