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  1. velosapiens

    velo's 05 fe550 spring observations and questions

    so, i got a .44 and .46 spring for the forks, making a .45-ish spring rate since the .42 stockers were riding too low in the travel. the new springs were a few mm longer, so i left out the 2 thin preload spacers on each leg and just kept the thicker one. i went 2 stiffer on rebound damping and 1...
  2. velosapiens

    velo's official '05 fe550 report

    so i just got back from moab, and i have a few hundred miles on the bike. i rode it once here (80 miles) before putting in dale's jet kit, then spent another day getting that dialed in, so all told i guess i'm up to around 350 miles. aside from the jet kit, the only other non-stock item is the...
  3. velosapiens

    velo's mini ride report of new fe550e, + stupid valve tricks

    so i got a decent 1/2 day of backcountry skiing in yesterday (saturday) and spent the rest of the day sorting out the bike and checking things. today i hopped up, quick like a bunny, left the house at 7:50, and went in search of places that didn't have snow (i live at 6500', so all the decent...