The bike is an '09 FE570, 1 size stiffer springs front and rear (PDS 7 progressive), otherwise the suspension is stock. My bike rides great but on high speed forest roads (30-50mph) the smallest bumps are incredibly harsh, and painful! I thought this was normal but my friends KTM 505 does not...
I just clicked onto the UHE site "UHE neutrinos". You want tech talk? These people definetly have a lot on their minds. They're trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe, while we sit here and worry about Dirt Bike magazine. There's a bigger picture out there. :twisted:
I installed a couple of the ultra thick tubes and new tires before yesterdays race. My question is.."How should a change my suspension to accommodate the extra weight.?" I felt like I was getting pounded. I was running about 18LB of air F/R. Granted I could have run less air. But since it was 80...