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  1. F

    New twist to the Weephole problem

    HELP! Utter confusion reigns... Just took the whole cover off to flip the coolant-side seal ring due to weephole leakage (following everyone's posts and pictures). Happened to look at the Husaberg parts manual and it shows that the coolant-side seal ring and oil-side seal ring were actually...
  2. bushmechanic

    crank locking bolt and crank twist

    my 08 650 has its crank locking bolt on the rhs under the stator cover. the 550 motor I have here has its crank locking bolt on the LHS of the crank as shown in the manuals. in the manuals it says to tighten/loosen the flywheel nut with the crank locking bolt to stop the crank spinning...
  3. Taffy

    crank pin fitment and crank twist especially on the 650's!

    ok a few months ago i had a problem when an engine i had buildt went wrong, i have mentioned it before and those of you that know me know that i'm relentless in my search to try and cure the factory's mistakes. essentially, this '02 650 crank twisted just tootling along running it in...