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  1. B

    Trackday Husaberg FS650 with photos and video

    I've made another Trackday on a GoKart circuit with my Husaberg FS 650. The participants were me ( Husaberg FS 650 ) and some friends with KTM 520, KTM 450 SMR and Kawasaki KX 450F [youtube:1s6c95kr][/youtube:1s6c95kr] Some photos
  2. B

    HUSABERG FS 650 & HONDA CR 500 AF @ Trackday

    Hi, Last sunday I've made a Trackday on a new kart circuit to me ( Bombarral in Portugal ). I've took my Husaberg FS 650e, but I had the opportunity to ride an Honda CR 500 AF of a friend of mine. Check out the Honda CR 500 video and the Husaberg videos...
  3. B

    Supermoto Trackday @ Fátima, Portugal

    Hi guys, Last sunday I've made another Trackday organized by the Portuguese Supermoto Forum with my Husaberg FS 650e Supermoto. We were riding along with top supermoto national pilots, the differences were astonishing as obvious .. lol 8O 8O I'll put here some photos. I also have GoPro HD...
  4. J

    SM trackday at Teeside 02/09

    Guys theres a SM trackday at Teeside on the 2nd Sept, its £60 for the day!!! look here: ... tember-2nd need more peole or it'll be cancelled!!
  5. B

    Another Husaberg Trackday with HD videos

    Hi, Last saturday I've made another trackday with the Husaberg FS 650. I was using the stock tires ( 6200 kilometers on them ) and stock 16 - 38 transmission, I could only use 2nd and 3rd gears there .. Most of the bikes there were from people like me, simple enthusiasts and amateurs, but...
  6. B

    Husaberg FS650 Trackday ( Kart track ) onboard HD video

    Hi guys, Last sunday I've made a " trackday " of a portuguese Supermoto Forum in Abrantes ( kart track ) with my Husaberg FS 650e 2006 SM model. The bike only has DOMA 96db silencer and it was rejeted. I've made a mix of all the sessions in one video, then the other video is with the camera...
  7. C

    Official UHE UK trackday

    Hi folks, a couple of us are considering a supermoto track-day at a place called Trax in Preston, location below; The track time is a 10 - 15 minutes on/off affair on a Sunday, price approx £30 for the day. There is also an off-road...