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  1. R

    Loud ticking noise fe390

    2011 FE390. Took the bike for a short ride today, about 30 miles on forestry roads. Nothing taxing on the bike. When I left the house it sounded a bit louder than normal and seemed to get worse throughout the ride. At first I thought it was just excessive extra noise from whatever the air filter...
  2. H

    Loud ticking

    Hi guys, been lurking on the forumns for awhile and cant find an answer. Have an 07 fs550e, was riding the other day, was doing a wheeling and when i sat it down i noticed it was making a loud ticking noise, rode home bike seemed normal. Seems to start/run fine, but ticks loud and vibrates...
  3. J

    Noisy FE650, Tell me it's typical

    So I've got an 2006 FE650E. It's been pretty nosey since I got it last fall. Has 200hrs on the clock. I know they're a noisy motor, but this is a bit noisier than my RFS KTM. I just installed Taffy's Dual Valve Spring Kit, along with a new cam chain and tensioner. Figured that would have...
  4. A

    engine ticking under load

    Hello all, So I have an '06 FS650c that seems to have a ticking sound when the engine is under a load. I have checked and re-checked the valves and they are properly adjusted (.013 mm if memory serves). When the engine is simply idling there is no audible ticking sound but when I am riding it...
  5. J

    450 ticking in top end

    Do the 70 degree motors make a lot of top end noise? Mine seems to have quite the valve train tic to it.
  6. D

    ticking noise in top end 07 550 fe

    hello i have a 07 550 love it heaps . i have been away working for a year . back home now .but got this ticking noise in top end cant rember if it was there b 4 . had the valves done the tick is still there the power is great .runs so good . it done about 5000 km is it how it sounds or dose she...
  7. bigbob

    2006 Fe550e runs dry and still ticking

    was desert riding 3 weeks ago, went down a bad ravine, had to slide my bike down a rock face, ripped open my left side lower radiator hose, did not know it, Just by chance It was the end of my day and I was near camp, so as I rode back about 2-3 miles to camp on mostly flat ground the bike...
  8. K

    Slight ticking in a 400fE engine...is it the cam chain?

    Hello guys, I am a n00b to Huza's so dont really know what to expect from them in terms of sounds they make. My bike is a 2003 400FE that starts on the button or with one kick so I reckon that everything in the combustion part is good. My worry is that when the bike is idling, there is a...