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  1. H

    kickstarting a 2005 fs650e technique

    my 2005 fs650e will start with the electric start but I can't kickstart it. I'm 6'3 200lbs and have had many dirtbikes. I read that these bikes are hard to start but once you get the technique down it starts all the time. can somebody explain the technique to me. I have a manual decomp lever!
  2. H

    Best starting technique ??

    This one was new to me, not that i would dare my self !! Anders, DK
  3. R

    Kick starting an FE400 - technique?

    Hi All OK first up - I feel like a bit of a numpty today - having taken my berg to dave clarke racing (berg expert) to look at what I thought was a starting problem - dave got it going in 2 minutes flat (drained carb and kicked it) - there were some other issues (valve clearances, plug &...
  4. W

    97 FC 600 starting technique

    Hi their, got a fc 600 with built in de-compressor on the kick start having real trouble trying to start her from cold. Is their correct technique i should be doing to get her going? Any tips or help will be much appreciated Many thanks in advance Walker

    correct starting technique

    Hi all! as I am a bit of a newbie here, I had better get a round of drinks in! So what yer all having then? :D I have got a 02 FS650 in motard trim, she is looked after very well and always serviced at the local Berg dealer (SR Offroad) whilst she was in for her last service, i asked the...