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  1. M

    TE 125 250 300 - 2013 - Owner's manual

    Husaberg TE 125, TE 250, TE 300, year 2013, owners manual:
  2. O

    2013 Te250

    Does anyone know where I can get OEM parts for my berg. I need the front fender brace. Thanks
  3. D

    New user - Husa TE250

    Hi guys i am pleased to be part of your forum - i love my Husy and want to get the most out of it so hopefully you can help me do it. I want to double check that the needle on the main slider in the carb is the correct one - Its number is N8RW it has five grooves at the top and the circlip is in...
  4. W

    Want To Buy WTB TE300 or TE250

    Hi I am looking to buy a Husaberg TE 250 or TE 300. Bike must me complete and running and in decent shape. Thanks
  5. P

    Husaberg TE250 Docoments

    How can I get COC docoments for my bike? Husaberg TE250 2013
  6. A


    Hi Newbee from New Zealand. My 2012 TE 250 has just ticked over 460hrs all on trails and enduro. :D
  7. S

    Want To Buy 2013 Te250 or Te300 UK

    Hi, I am looking for a low hours 2013/2014 TE250/300. Thanks
  8. C

    13 TE250 installing right side centrifugal mechanism

    On a 2013 TE 250 installing the right side cover prior to the clutch cover there are 2 moves by hand parts behind the power valve area. I can not find any pics or how to align these 2 parts so cover sits properly.
  9. C

    Suggested Headlamp 2012 TE250

    Folks, Seeking feedback on a headlamp for my TE. I've done a bunch of searching and some are excessively pricy or do not seem to fit the bike. I was Looking at the Trail Tech X2, but even TT tech rep wasnt sure if the Univetsal model fit. Any feedback would be great and trying to keep...
  10. M

    2013 TE250 Subframe concerns.

    Guys I'm currently on a 2012 TE250, and a friend has a 2013 TE250 that I've ridden. I really like the 13 better so I'm considering buying it. Those of you that have the 13/14 models how much trouble have you had with the subframe? I see that two of the three pieces that make up the subframe have...
  11. B

    TE250 - My second ride

    Here is the vid - Have fun! https://youtu.be/Aro8RciNhB4
  12. B

    Silencer fitting problem. TE250 2t

    Hello everyone. Last night I have dissemble the Subframe off in order to clean the airbox. After the airbox was shiny I have put it all back together (35Nm on the subframe scrows). Now, the "ears" with the holes on the subframe can align with the holes on the silencer - it's like that the...
  13. T

    Just bought a new leftover 2013 TE250

    Stumbled across a smoking deal on a leftover 2013 TE250. It was way too cheap to pass up. It will be delivered late next week. Anything special I should know about this bike? Always wanted a two stroke Berg to go with my 570's.
  14. G

    Does the TE250 share the KTM EXC250 engine?

    Hi all, I currently have a FE390, and I'm looking for a 2 stroke to add to the stable. I've been looking at the KTM EXC 250, just because they are so easy to find, but I have stumbled across a 2012 Husaberg TE250. I was just wondering, does the 2012 TE250 share the same engine and gearbox as...
  15. S

    '13 husaberg TE250 - Tusk wiring harness

    Hi guys, I have a 2013 husaberg TE250 and I'd love to add some addons to make it street legal in NB Canada. Things I'd love to accomplish with the Tusk products are: -Hi/lo beam headlight -horn -rear brake light activated with foot brake There *is* *this link* here that let's me...
  16. B

    Will 2006 husky te250 wheels fit on my 2005 fe550

    I got a crack in my rear wheel and came across a set of wheels off a te250 husky. Wondering if they would fit my fe550e?
  17. PEI Mudder

    For Sale Wanted TE250 or 300

    Looking for a good used Husaberg TE25O or 300 in Atlantic Canada if anyone knows of one please let me know thanks
  18. yamariv

    New Berg TE250 Owner in Ottawa Canada

    Just wanted to say a quick hi to everyone. I just traded my 13 Husky TC449 in on a 13 TE250 Berg and couldn't be more excited! I made the mistake of thinking I could ride a beast of a 450 motocross bike on tight single track trails and have fun while doing it, lesson learned! The bike was...
  19. D

    2011 Husaberg TE 250 ???

    will the 2011 te250 service manual work for the 2012 te250?
  20. R

    Where to get Frame Gaurds - 14' TE250

    Anyone know where to get frame guards for a 2014 TE250? thanks.