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  1. M

    New Husaberg Rider from Switzerland

    Good afternoon together, May name is Max, living in Wallisellen in the north part of Switzerland. I am brand new here in the forum and since two month I am an owner of a Husaberg FE 501, built in 1992. Normally my dirt bikes on two or three wheels are equipped with a beamer engine or...
  2. F

    Hello from Switzerland

    Hello everyone I have watched this forum for a while and now finally introducing myself. I am from switzerland and ride a FE 501 year 2003 and a TE 300 year 2013. I use both for enduro and supermoto riding. Cheers Andy
  3. Z

    my movie: From Switzerland to Mongolia and back

    Dear all, here is the video about my trip in 2011. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RISuG0JVt3g If you liked it, please take a few seconds to vote for my video. There is a 2 weeks trip by motorcycle to Cap Nord to win. Thank you very much in advance! You need to click on the...
  4. Z

    hello from Switzerland

    Hello Husaberg fans! I am 33 from Switzerland, had a FE550 2004 and now just bought a 2010 FE450. I want to turn it into a light rally bike and I subscribe to this forum to get as much information as I can thanks
  5. M

    Some News From Switzerland

    Phil Haupt will ride a KMS-Husaberg-650 Supermoto this season. Check out this awesome Videos! Especially this one: Supermoto Training Vesoul! (recorded with a "helmet-cam")